First off, thanks for everyone's hard work on this site. Been reading it for almost a year now. I have an unpaid chargoff, $4500, well within SOL, that was sent to CA. received inital letter from them, sent Validation request a few months later (asked for full accounting, original signed contract and proof that they now own the debt). Disputed with CRAs a week later. the next time they reported to CRAs, CA reported my account as disputed (about two weeks after receiving my Validation letter). All my disputes came back as verified by CRAs. A couple of weeks later I received a letter asking for more info, I sent them a letter saying no with a second request for validation. A month later I received a half baked validation, containing original acct #, account balance, and my SSN. Received letter a few weeks ago saying they are going to an attorny for legal action. I want to beat them to the punch but what can I sue them for? Can I sue them for verifying with CRA withour validating with me, even though they marked my account as disputed with the CRA? I can't sue them for continued collection activity because I DVd after initial 30 day. Correct? Should i just initiate a lawsuit so that it will be cheaper to settle than to go through with the suit? If it matters the CA is M*i*d*l*a*n*d. Thanks, JJ
Ahh...Midland, I thought that scenario sounded familiar. I am currently in litigation with them and I won't go too much into it because I don't know who you are and my sign-in name (stupidly) is relatively identifying. I never did receive the message that they were going to go to a lawyer. In fact, after they attempted validation with an unrelated document, they pretty ignored me until I sued. I will post more in a few days.
Would love to hear about your experience. Please email me if you don't want it on the board. Anybody else have any experience with them?