WARNING.......Privacy Guard

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sandie511, May 4, 2003.

  1. taylortd

    taylortd Well-Known Member

    Called this morning. They said all we can do is dispute them
    with TU. Anybody get anything different?

    Anyone have TU's 800 dispute number handy?

  2. ebizay

    ebizay Active Member

    Did anyone pull their PG report today an see if they are still placing hards on TU?
  3. thetravele

    thetravele Well-Known Member

    I am scared to pull again until they fix the other 2 hards.
  4. Credithelp

    Credithelp Well-Known Member

    I pulled mine this morning and I have 2 hards. I just got off the phone with Trans Union and the girl told me any 3rd party monitoring service can code inquires as hard. Trans union can't do anything. I then called Privacyguard and they gave me a number for their Credit advisory # 800-511-2739 and they can't do anything either. This is BS!!!!! Something should be done.
  5. Credithelp

    Credithelp Well-Known Member

    I just called Privacyguard again, I just spoke to a sup. in membership services. She just told me they have no affilation with Iplace or Consumerinfo.com it's there competitor. She then goes on saying It's probably someone else pulling my file. Im really getting the run around now. There's nothing they can do she said.
  6. crofttk

    crofttk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, since DW had a hard appear yesterday after I pulled her PG, I FIRST pulled her WK to verify ONE hard. Then, I pulled her PG and voila !, there were 2 hards. This was around 10am Eastern.
  7. kewlstang

    kewlstang Well-Known Member

    I have called PG and they told me to call the Advisory Board at 800-511-2739, they in turn told me that they can't deal with online credit reports and then told me to call PG back or call TU. I have to wait on TU for the "priority dept" to call me back...not only am I pissed about PG, but does anyone know anything about the "priority dept" at Trans Union??
  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    When I used a company called "Confidential Credit" (another 3-in-1 report service -- it was a division of First American CREDCO) a couple years ago, their inquiries showed up as HARD on TU as well! I had to escalate quite a bit in order to get that fixed -- it was amazing. I'm wondering if perhaps PrivacyGuard is doing the same thing wrong (or if it's the same company who never fixed their problem). In any event, it's interesting that it only happened with TU with me as well.

  9. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    I calledand talked to a christy who told me it was their fault and they are working on the problem. the first person I talked to kept reading off scripts to other problems. I was like no no I did not lose my ID# and no no I do not need another packet. She just kept going and going like an idiot. Chrsity told me to fax attention her to (307) 771-2950 a copy of my credit report showing the hards and she will forward it to the credit bureau department at PG. She said she had no clue how long it will take though. My suit gets filed tomorrow if it is not fixed by then.
  10. PawMix

    PawMix Well-Known Member

    Folksies, go to BBB web site and look up Privacy Guard. Interesting reading.

  11. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    This is just great they are single handedly destroying my credit - HARD number 2

  12. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Anyone interesting in a Class Action Lawsuit??

    I'm game!

    They screwed me too!

  13. Credithelp

    Credithelp Well-Known Member

    Count me in too!!!! This is BS!
  14. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to call them at 877-202-8828 but the line has been busy four a couple of hours now. Is there any number I can call? It seems like others here have been able to get a hold of P.G.

    I am applying for a mortgage today and I need this fixed right away!
  15. GatorDeb

    GatorDeb Well-Known Member

    Got a TU too. I'm scared of accessing again until I hear it's been fixed.
  16. PawMix

    PawMix Well-Known Member

    Ok, this is going to be long. From my credit reports:


    3\21\2003 CD-Consumerinfo.com
    3\15\2003 CD-Consumerinfo.com
    3\12\2003 CD-Consumerinfo.com
    3\4\2003 AR-Consumerinfo.com
    2\28\2003 CD-Consumerinfo.com
    2\19\2003 ID-IPlace Inc
    2\19\2003 CD Consumerinfo.com


    4\19\2003 Consumerinfo.com
    3\21\2003 Consumerinfo.com
    3\15\2003 Consumerinfo.com
    3\12\2003 Consumerinfo.com
    2\26\2003 Consumerinfo.com
    2\19\2003 Consumerinfo.com


    3\2003 Trilegiant via Merchants
    3\2003 Consumerinfo.com via IPlace
    PP-consumer initiated transaction
    2\2003 Consumerinfo.com via IPlace
    PP-consumer initiated transaction

    This just doesn't make any sense, does it? the consumerinfo.com and IPlace pulls coincide with my Privacy Guard pulls but then not ALL of them. Then there's the AR from consumerinfo.com that I don't know what to think of, because it sure as hell is not consumer disclosure. And that inquiry from IPlace coded ID?


    MAYFLOWER Member

    Just yesterday for the first time I obtained my CR from privacyguard..Oh boy!!!and I also have (1) hard inq. I spoke to customer service @ privacyguard...they can't give me a right answer!

    Is this legal??? Can they post hard inq??

    Also, about 2 months ago I obtained 3-1 CR from another company and (1) hard inq was posted on CR with TU, however I did disputed with TU and it was removed!
  18. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    duplicate... sorry
  19. gc

    gc Well-Known Member

    I was finally able to connect to Privacy Guard and they told me to call the Advisory Board # as well. Then, the advisory board rep told me they can't help me with reports pulled online! Those freaking maggots are giving us the runaround!

    Let's sue the bastards and ask for a refund with continous membership for as long as we want and $1,000 for each hard inquiry they put on our credit files! PLUS damages... i.e. getting denied credit, loans, etc.
  20. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: WARNING.......Privacy Guard


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