Would someone who lives in Oklahoma and posts on this board please let us know if the AG ever takes action against bbauer? Despite the heat of the discussions and pbm's subsequent prudent action, I'd still like to know if creditwrench is declared a fraud. Although I think bkev was obsessively committed to his position, there still is a chance that history will be kind to him and that he performed a public service for members of this board. Anyone who lives in the real world knows that bbauer's rambling narratives and Nixonian condescension and bashing of people while claiming a desire to help is no way to run a business, let alone develop trust and meaningful relationships. Compare, for example, pbm's deft handling of a delicate situation. He said only what was necessary to solve the problem, and he said it politely. Hats off to you, pbm! bbauer, I believe, hyper-inflated his credentials as a credit expert, trying to impress members of this board with superfluous nonsense. I thought about engaging him many times, but then thought better of it. I mean, what's the point? Why argue with a person who has to write "War and Peace" in response to the simplest of posts? Finally, I'd like to welcome back Saar. You're a real leader, kid. I wish you the best in all of your pursuits. Although I have not posted a lot recently, I've read all the threads. I'm a longtime member of this board, but I had to change my nick because someone else took it after I was absent for a couple of months. My credit scores now are all between 731 and 760, and I started in the high 500s after the loss of a job and a subsequent illness (now cured). One needn't rely on gimmicks to force the CRA's, creditors and collection agencies to follow the law. Too often we assume the agencies are braindead, but my core belief is that they can spot a fraud as soon as the letter is removed from the envelope. Write simple, factual, professional letters. Ask for a particular outcome. Don't panic if you're disappointed the first time. Be patient. Keep on trying. You will eventually get the result you want. Sorry for the lengthy post. My best to you all. Mo
Bbauer is his "BUDDY"...who knows what will happen... http://www.oag.state.ok.us/netscape.index.html DON'T KNOW IF THE "BROKENWRENCH" STUFF WOULD BE ON THIS WEB SITE...BUT WHO KNOWS??? Drew Edmondson...
How long did it take and what was your situation? Charge-offs, BK, ect. Pleasae respond via email if necessary. Thanks
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste I think watchdogs are needed to try and figure out which new "members" are actually bbauer and which are Bkev. Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough. I truly hope that they both abide by their suspensions. I also hope that "substitutes" don't emerge to argue each position in the third person. Bottom line: we need a serious break. Doc
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste I want to add something here. I am AMAZED just today how much better the board is. I am actualy getting real answers to my questions. I noticed when I would ask something and bb would reply my post was squashed and if anyone else responded it would be bkev to argue his answer. Now I am getting answers (instead of the runaround) and there is no crap!
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste Mo, nicknames aren't removed just because someone is inactive. There are many members from mid 2000 who've been inactive and who still retain their nicknames. Doc
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste Hermit: Started the repair process in earnest 26 months ago and have had clean files for well over a year. I made a separate file for each creditor, and kept all my letters, postal receipts and other material in those files. I did not wait if a dispute came back verified; I asked politely but firmly for an immediate reinvestgation, citing my case in the letter. I didn't go BK, but I had chargeoffs, a repo and medical and utility collections. I negotiated with the utilities for payment in return for not responding to the CRA's verification material. They were gone on the first attempt. One popped back up, and then disappeared when the utility ordered a deletion. The toughest chargeoff was when a relaltive stole one of my preapproved ofers when I had good credit, filled out the application and had the bill sent to a PO box. I found out about it when I ordered my credit reports 8 years after the theft. The bank took its good old time, but it disappeared after I pressed my case in a personal letter to the company president. The other chargeoffs were deleted because they were more than 7 years old. The creditors tried to change the DOLA, but I told them politely but firmly that I'd served my time in credit hell and wasn't about to let any hanky-panky get by me. I told the bureaus in certified letters that the info was stale and that the creditors had played with the DOLA to extend the 7 years. All of them were gone rather swiftly, within a few months. I never knew the 7-year rule existed until I read this board; I was convinced I was ruined for life. I gathered a lot of information, chiefly opinion letters from the FTC on when the clock begins and ends. My repo was taken off when I pointed out that the creditor had reported it twice on all three reports. I asked for a deltion on two grounds: Piling on, and because the DOLA had been reported to make a 6-year-old delinquency look like a year-old delinquency. I submitted proof: The dated letter from the bank announcing it was selling my car at auction. Although the bureaus could have kept it on my report for almost another year, they deleted the entries. My feeling was that they cut me some slack for being honest. With respect to the medical collections, I negotiated with the doctor and the hospital for the deletion. They told the CA to pull the accounts and delete the entry, and I paid back the amount owed at 25 cents on the dollar. Mo
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste Doc: My previous "nick" was Darrell. When I came back to the board, someone else was using Darrell, so I switched to Mo. Were you here when Barry N was posting regularly? That's when I started, in the fall of '99. I've been here a little over two years. You are more than welcome to check my credentials if you desire. I'm nobody's foil. Mo
Re: Watchdog needed: Unsolved myste Doc: I did a search for some of my "Darrell" posts. The most recent reference to me as "Darrel" is dated April 26, 2001. Any "Darrel" postings after April 26 belong to the other Darrell. Mine date back from April 26. Mo
It isn't going to happen and with the both of them gone why not just drop it? Why whip a dead horse issue?