I am really getting the feeling that we are coming under attack as a group - almost feels like a concerted attack by more than one CA
Surround the fort! Retreat! Retreat! I am sorry, after reading your headline I kept picturing Creditnetters at war with the CAs. I can just picture me trying to shoot an uzi. Tmitchell, They have been here before. They will continue to come. Let them. Maybe they will learn to decipher the FCRA and FDCPA. Really, if the CAs, OCs, and CRAs are reading this board, they are scared. And that makes me all tingly. If they make periodic updates to see what is going on, they feel threatened and I really like that feeling. Dani
AAC, Arrow Financial, and whoever else are spying on this board need to get a life. I'm glad they have time to spend on our board, but never seem to have the time to even attempt validation. Hey Michael Beach, why don't you come out of your little disguise and be a man. Oh that's right, you work for a CA, you're not a man, you're a pathetic little worm that won't amount to anything in life. I hold my dog higher than you. Can you beg like a dog Mikey? Cause thats what you'll be doing when some of us are finished with you. Don't forget some of us can still file lawsuits against you. We can still nail the 6 inchs of air space between your ears to the wall. You just remember that.
Here Here. They will go away...they always do. Came before Left Before too. They get board because we are so good! -Peace, Dave
Well, Just for the record I hereby solemnly swear that I am not a CA nor an agent for the collection industry. I am a genuine newbie and have posted here several times in the past few months, although I just got brave enough last night to post more than a quick hit and run. It is nice to meet everyone. and I really appreciate this board and all the information provided here. I have improved my credit a great deal since I started reading here and expect to continue. I just thought I would go on record. Ray
We as a group have always been here. I just wanted to set the record straight. We lurk and do not post. Did you really think we would allow a site like this one to go un-noticed? For the record the poster named Pulse is not one of ours. Every collection agency out there knows about creditnet. It's no big secret.
Tell me collector1, is Creditnet a threat to your unethical, immoral, and highly illegal modes of operation, or do you lurk for the hell of it? Dani
WOW Every one of 'em. Hey PBM ... I Mean DOC ... I mean Bill!!! We made it big time Yahhoooooooooo!! I thought we were on a private secure channel too. WOW better watch what I say from now on! -Peas, Dave
tmitchell, I think that you are giving "them", the negative posters and disruptive wannabe's way too much credit. Just laugh your ass off and enjoy how good it feels to giggle at someone else's stupidity and shallowness. my mom always said that liars can't keep their stories straight...I think Creditnet legit members will be able to spot most of the trolls, and for the rest of 'em who feel they have been used and abused by the board, if they don't want to use the advice, that's their choice. Another thing that might be pertinent that I tell my managers: give me ALL the information before you ask for my assessment and advice/direction. If you give me only parts of the story, and you only choose the part of my feedback that suits your fancy, you are probably going to screw something up, intentionally or not. Think that has some applicability to this board.
Did you check the National Directory of Collectors' Nicknames to be sure? You are a silly, silly person. Doc
If you know about creditnet and what we advise, then you know when you screw up, which is often, that you are going to get sued. Why don't you wise up and follow the law. Do you like being sued everyday for your violations of law? Personally, I think you are full of it. If, as you say, you lurk but don't post, why are you posting? And to make a comment "Pulse is not one of ours" shows you to be full of it. You are just looking to cause some trouble and I don't believe for 1 minute that you are a collector. A loser - yes, but not a collector.
Collector, What firm do you represent?? Just asking because I'm probably already suing your firm for violations of my rights. Just might get to see you in court and say "Hi" Tac