I'm in SoCal. The commute would kill me. So I guess I don't get to play Who Wants To Be A Moleionaire ;o(.
Yeah, let's think about this for a moment. I'm a collector and I watch the board anonymously in order to get an insight to the tactics being used by board members. Therefore what I'll do is announce the fact that I'm a collector so that it will make people all the more wary of what they say. Pretty much defeating my purpuse????? People please, these are just a bunch of morons with too much time on their hands.
I agree with Tac, Some are starting to get just dwonright silly. If 1Collector wants dialogue, here's a question; When a CA returns a debt back to the original creditor because they can't validate why do most CA's fail to remove the derog from the CRA as reuired? Or if they forward to another CA they are required to remove the derog from the CRA. Why don't they follow through? If CA1 buys the debt, places a derog on the CR but then sells to CA2, why does CA1 not remove the derog, again as required?
I am also a genuine newbie as well. I too have already learned so much in the short time that I have been utilizing this site. I have already used some of the information that I've learned from this site, although I know without a doubt that I still don't have an inkling of understanding regarding all of the laws and regulations. However, Friday I had an interesting discussion with Middletown Regional Hospital regarding a bill they sent to collections. This bill is from 09/01/98. Their collection agency put this bill on my credit report in 02/02. This bill was supposed to have been submitted to the insurance company to be paid 100% by the insurance company. They failed to submit it and tried to get me to pay it. I began spouting off things like "It's illegal to report this uncolletable debt on my credit report", ...."intend to march down to the courthouse and file small claims on the hospital and the collection agency if I didn't have something in my hand that said this was not a valid debt etc.". They said, "Now calm down Ms. Zimmerman (Yes, I am female. Sirrowan was the name of my doberman pincher I had to "put down" in 1998...bad year for me), we'll get this straightened out. Let me call you back." I received a written letter today in the mail! Yes one day later. Although this was a small victory, it is the beginning for me!!! I felt so empowered today. It was great. I know that I am definitely going to be an avid learner and die hard fan of this site!!!!!! So much to learn, Sirrowan
Good Job Ms. Zimmerman, You're right. Hospital debts that they fail to properly submit to insurance is UNcollectable. Keep up the good work. Isn't that feeling of empowerment worth all the studying???