-> We Must Never Forget!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  2. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Good site, Butch. Thanks.

    Everyone should look at this and remember how you felt three years ago. It can happen again.
  3. tr1252

    tr1252 Well-Known Member

    Yes, we must never forget. However, many of the web memorials have a tendency to actually cheapen the experience by being TOO emotional (and a little too schmaltzy with the use of Enya's music). 9/11 is very near and dear to me, as I lost a good friend who happened to get to work early that morning at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of the North Tower. He never stood a chance of getting out.

    If you haven't done so, check out the presentation assembled by The New York Times, entitled "102 Minutes". It's a chilling, harrowing account of what happened, and succeeds in actually putting you there - recounting those final minutes, final emails, final phone calls. It brings tears to my eyes every time I visit. The site requires Flash, and you'll need a few hours to go through everything. You can find it here:


    Check out the Interactive Features section especially.

    The Times requires a subscription, but it's free and definitely worthwhile.

    Also, tomorrow night (Tuesday 10pm) on HBO is a presentation called "Nine Innings from Ground Zero", a documentary about the 2001 World Series. Go Yankees!!!
  4. sweetevl

    sweetevl Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to thank you for posting those sites. I was born and raised in New York and had just recently moved away when 09/11 happened. This anniversary year I had a brief moment of silence, but I didnt really watch anything or let my mind wander-some how thinking that I could protect myself if I didnt think about it too hard.

    But that defeats the point, I needed to remember, I needed to read those stories. So as I sit here crying at work, I thank you for making me remember. I remembered the numbness, anger and sadness that stayed with me for days afterwards. I need to hold on to that, it now makes it very clear who Im voting for this election. Thank you.

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