Good site, Butch. Thanks. Everyone should look at this and remember how you felt three years ago. It can happen again.
Yes, we must never forget. However, many of the web memorials have a tendency to actually cheapen the experience by being TOO emotional (and a little too schmaltzy with the use of Enya's music). 9/11 is very near and dear to me, as I lost a good friend who happened to get to work early that morning at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of the North Tower. He never stood a chance of getting out. If you haven't done so, check out the presentation assembled by The New York Times, entitled "102 Minutes". It's a chilling, harrowing account of what happened, and succeeds in actually putting you there - recounting those final minutes, final emails, final phone calls. It brings tears to my eyes every time I visit. The site requires Flash, and you'll need a few hours to go through everything. You can find it here: Check out the Interactive Features section especially. The Times requires a subscription, but it's free and definitely worthwhile. Also, tomorrow night (Tuesday 10pm) on HBO is a presentation called "Nine Innings from Ground Zero", a documentary about the 2001 World Series. Go Yankees!!!
I just wanted to thank you for posting those sites. I was born and raised in New York and had just recently moved away when 09/11 happened. This anniversary year I had a brief moment of silence, but I didnt really watch anything or let my mind wander-some how thinking that I could protect myself if I didnt think about it too hard. But that defeats the point, I needed to remember, I needed to read those stories. So as I sit here crying at work, I thank you for making me remember. I remembered the numbness, anger and sadness that stayed with me for days afterwards. I need to hold on to that, it now makes it very clear who Im voting for this election. Thank you.