We require your FINGERPRINTS

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by georgiaboy, Dec 21, 2002.

  1. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    A proper id is one thing, I had presented two I.D.s, the young lady made sure the check was good with the bank, there was no reason to ask me for my fingerprints on a check purchase or a CC purchase, I was purchasing a item, not returning one.
  2. ronpurvis

    ronpurvis Member

    You are absolutely right. That is not the same thing as what I had replied to originally.

  3. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Just posted a public pfb on friedman's inc. I bet I get no response.
  4. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Once I cashed a check for $1,000 at Wachovia (loan check), fingerprint.

    Another time I cashed a $20,000 personal check at Suntrust...no fingerprint. They gave me $200 cash and a $19,800 cashiers check.

    Then I took the cashiers check to Wachovia...NO fingerprint.

    So at Wachovia, if I cash $1,000 they want one, cashing $19,800 they don't? I'm an account holder, but still...weird.
  5. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    georgiaboy, what part of ga are you in? i am in atlanta :)

    nice letter - lets see if you get any results with it
  6. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    everytime i cash a check at wells fargo, i have to do a fingerprint..and I AM A FRIGGIN ACCOUNT HOLDER!

    I got a signature loan last week and had to put my fingerprint on the app as well btw...weird. sig loan was from Educational Employees Credit Union.
  7. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Allen, im so close to Atl, that I could spit and hit ya lol
  8. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Aruthor, I have cashed checks in banks with amounts anywheres from 10k to 30k and walked out with those amounts in cash, with no fingerprints taken. 2 I.D.s is all that was required,, although I did have one bank ask for my prints on a 3k check, I declined and just made a deposit intomy account.

    On the other hand, Ive written car dealer ships checks in excess of 17k, took possesion of the car, drove off the lot,, nothing but my sig on a sales contract, no i.ds.
    Ive done the same with heavy equippment, wrote a check in excess of 19k, no ids, no fingerprints, took possession of the equipment and left the lot.

    Why the hell a retailer wants fingerprints on a check or credit card purchase is beyond me, its not like we were talking 50mm lol
  9. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Legal question pertaining to this thread.Educated responses highly welcome.

    If I go back into one of these stores, and they deny me service because I will not provide a fingerprint during a credit card transaction,,, would this be grounds for a civil suit, and if so, under what grounds??
  10. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    I would think as long as they did it to everyone, they have the right to require whatever they want as a requirement. If they singled you for some reason, then you would have cause for a suit (for a check, not sure about a CC).

  11. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Might be a stretch, but maybe tortious intereference of a business relationship between you and the credit card company. Any thoughts from the legal minds?

  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  13. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    I would want to see the control practices deployed to protect my rights. befor I put my dabs on anything.
    And I would require a bond to cover my costs ect should the information be used incorrectly.
    I need to protect my rights like they need to protect their money .
    But my rights come first.

    If you dont't think the ID process is intrusive ask anyone who was tatooed in a labor camp.
    It's not fredom it's control.
    Some pinhead judge in Podunk writes a court order and all your prints become public domain.
    I was under NDA so I cannot divulge the name but I can tell you I worked for large bank and their security of paper and data was lousy.
    Whats funny is I live in NYC and I have never heard of any of this fingerprint stuff. It would last about a nano second around here..

    It's a null issue for me as the got has my dabs as I was bonded. But it's the point and principal.
    The reason the the founding fathers wrote the constitution.

    To preseve the rights of the people not create rights for companies.

    Truth justiceand the comics
  14. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    AMEN oz!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you, well said.

  15. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    Maybe that is what Innovis is up to.......in a data collecting mode.

  16. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Ive just looked at a comment over at PFB on the letter I have sent to friedmans, the poster of the comment states "Have I ever heard of idenity fraud"
    Can anyone tell me how I can respond to her comment.It seems pfb will not allow me to comment on my own letter.

    Like... Lady,Im trying to protect my id, not give it out to be copied and used at a later date by someone to drain my bank account with a copy of my fingerprint.and other personal info that is collected during a simple biz transaction.
    The copying of fingerprints is possible, just do a search for false fingerprints , latex fingerprints etc.
  17. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    My reply would be " have you ever heard of abuse of private information retained by private companies'
    subtitled I have rights as an individual and chose not to share them with you.
    Then start wearing trojans on your pinkies ROFL
  18. georgiaboy

    georgiaboy Well-Known Member

    Oz, I agree with ya lol, but at the moment my problem is that pfb will not allow me to place a comment on my own letter.
    The lady that replied, her comment sounds very corporate to me lol, wouldnt doubt if she is not a employee of Friedman's Inc.
  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Post a link to your letter. We will tell her what's what. They're your darn fingerprints and you don't have to give them to anyone, hahahaha!!!
  20. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    also you could link to wav file that sings
    trojan hand
    trojan hand
    When you don't need to lose your privacy use the trojan hand..

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