,2941,150727-99-0-0-20-0-fb_date-desc,00.html ok theres the link,2941,150727-99-0-0-20-0-fb_date-desc,00.html if that dosnt work, do a search at PFB for this exact name, including punctutation Friedman's Inc. seems if it not typed in exactly like that, it want show a result
Well, dang! I don't see any link to post comments from my page either. Seems like we had this problem once before.
It looks like PFB may have added a prequisite for commenting, from the PFB FAQ: How do I comment on other consumers' letters? Simply e-mail your request to comment to Someone will review your request and get back with you shortly. If your request is approved, you will be able to comment on all PlanetFeedback letters. We ask all of PlanetFeedback's "Consumer Commentators" to abide by our terms and conditions, avoid personal attacks and profanity/vulgarity, keep comments constructive, and focus on the consumer issues raised in others' letters.
I'm registered to leave comments on PFB now. I left a short one for Sarah on your letter. If you email the address in my prior post with your email address that you use to log into PFB with, you'll have comment access in minutes. I think it took about 10 minutes before they activated mine.
It's more than that George. I am a member and logged in and still couldn't comment. You now have to request it (see above post). When I sent an email requesting the ability to comment, I got back an email outlining their TOS and etiquette for commenting. Maybe you are grandfathered in, although I joined PFB over a year ago and used to be able to comment. By the way, I like your comment on the letter.
For those of you that left comments on my letter over at PFB, I say thanks. Now maybe this Sara person will not be sitting so dang high on her horse. P.S. Ive still yet to get any feedback from Friedman's.