With all that are familiar with my saga regarding my neice's landlord. see previous post for full story. http://Landlord troubles!!! plz help! long We Won !!!!!!!!!!Yeppie We got to the court house at 8:45pm, which was located on the line of New York. Pretty far from were we live. anyway, the judge had about 70 cases on her schedule. She dimissed a quarter of them for no shows, sent about 50 of them to mediation and heard the evidence of the plantiff's that showed and denfendant did not. When they called my Neice's case the defendant was a no show, but she was not off the hook yet, she still had to present her case and evidence in front of the judge for her ruling. I can't believe how little the judge asked for, in the ways of presenting evidence. the only thing she wanted to look at was the lease agreement and her statement (SODA) that the landlords had sent her. My neice basically stated that by the provisions of her lease that they were bound by PA statute, and that the landlords were in violation of the statute. The Judge looked at her, shook her head and said "yep, their in violation". Court ruled for double damages plus the cost of all court fee's. The Judge almost awarded her a damage cost that she did not even dispute. The judge was on a fishing exspedition, I think trying to find out if the damage really occurred by the landlords neglect of the property. My neice aks the Judge would she like to see the pictures of the interior of the apartment the last day she was there. The Judge says "no need" I have everything I'm looking for". I could'nt believe that she did 'nt even want to see the pictures as proof of the condition of the apartment. She just asked "did you leave it broom swept", and my neice said "yes of course" and that was that. In the end she was awarded $1,700.00. very, very, very good day!!! Thanks to all Creditnetters who helped me along with all my questions. I beleive even if the landlord showed up, I think we still would of won. We had great evidence and I tied it all together with the help from this board. Thanks all kathy
Been around a bit, just reading! Still trying to get rid of the flu...and Cross Country...and Macy's...and WFNNB!
Thanks so much. We went through all that worry about jurisdiction concerns and the pictures not being dated for nothing, She was over prepared, which I told her it is better to be over prepared then look stupid in front of judge. Boy, CRRR really, really had a big impact on the court. without out it you can hurt yourself big time. Just from listening from some of the other cases it pays to save everything little thing even down to the envelopes that the documents come in. hopefully, if anyone else runs into this situation, I hope that all the questions that I asked an were answered can help them out some. kathy
One last and final update on this continueing saga. My neice sent the landlord the notice from the court ruling in her favor and essentially telling them to buck up!. Well, the landlord contacted her a few days after receiving the letter and they told her they are sending the check certified in the mail within a few days. presently the check in now in the hands of my neice. How's that for getting a judgement paid!! I think this landlord know she was not going to stop until she got her money. kathy
im happy she is getting paid.Here in NY, technically, if the landlord had a "good" reason for not showing up, he might be able to vacate and reschedule the hearing. is PA statue different?