(my first mail call thread) Get Smart Card Reader (Box half open already) Providian- Pre-Approved second gold $1000.00 HH Bank Stmnt- credit 4.79 balance (don't use it) Maximum PC Magazine- (I'm a nerd) Jeep catalog random pointless junk mail Cap One Plat still hasn't arrived!!!!! Shawn
1:00 PM on the dot, every day. They are like clockwork. I am lucky that way here. The only exception is any hint of frozen precipitaion, then the whole state shuts down and mail might not come until the next day. You have to love living in the South.....when I was in New England, the mail would come even with 2 feet of snow on the ground. I think my old mailman used to read my magazines though, they would come all ruffled up. Would have been nice if he paid my bills too! Shawn
I might as well join the crowd ... only 2 pieces of mail today. Both offers for the gold card from Cap1. Get this. One for me, and one addressed to my 16-year-old son! How did they get his name? The only thing he has his name on is one of my Household Bank cards. He's not really an AU, it's just a duplicate card with his name on it. Typical I guess, he uses it three or four times a week to get 5.00 worth of gas, etc. This way I can follow him around by looking at the account on-line!
I got a "pre qualified" application from Washington Mutual... issued by ANB at 24.49% Yeah Baby gonna sign right up.. NOT... A letter from Target.. (paraphrased) Sorry we couldnt accept your Application becuase the credit bureau below couldnt not validat you and/or your credit references. (Equifux) My letter to them will have all my credit reports with a nice letter and credit references because I need a store card in my cardfolio. A letter from Next Card.. (paraphrased) Sorry we cannot issue a card at this time because we could not verify you identity. Please send an original bill to us and we will reconsider you application.. My letter to them will read: um I dont need you anyways Mr Next Card, by the way I heard it sucks too... LOL Kev
Grew up in the car business (my family has several dealerships), then went on to do my own thing half way through college. I was determined to 'do it on my own'. HA, if I knew then what I know now, right? I work in computers now. I don't think I can ever truly get 'out' of the car business, especially when I spend most of my time at the dealerships when I go home for visits (and make spot appearences in dorky commercials ...ugh... you thought junior high was full of embarrassments? try going in on Monday after your friends saw you doing stupid 'tent sale' commercials all weekend...LOL). When I look at how much it dominates their lives, I am glad I went on to do my own thing. There are so many responsibilites involved and you can't take 5 minutes off without something bad happening.... Shawn
I'm a techie too. My parents own a restaurant in holland. Used to spend a lot of time washing dishes lol..... no more of that anymore.
Washington Mutual...... I had a few 'loans' in College from Blazer Finance. Yeah, I know now, but then it was a check in my mailbox, 'free money', all I had to do was sign and deposit! I was going to 'do it on my own', damn the torpedos! damn the 25%! hee hee Anyway, those loans show up as Washington mutual on my CR's now. Guess they either merged or bought them out.... I am not sure what happened with them.....I owed them a little money still when I went through my BK. They were not included on my BK ( I don't know why) but they report as closed- paid satisfactory. Guess I better not knock them too much, huh? Shawn
I got another offer for this card today. Still waiting on the response from the offer I got yesterday for the same exact card.
Work mail: A wierd letter from South Africa? Some guy saying he has $8million and needs us to put it into our account to get it out of the country or some such thing...scam...but my boss made me open it and now I feel creepy Larissa
That South Africa 'scam' is actually pretty popular. I saw a variation with 'Liberia' once....get the money out of the country to help the freedom fighters, right? HA! Help them use your checking account that is! http://www.netscams.com/scam/postscam/messages/188.html http://home.rica.net/alphae/419coal/ Just chunk it. And wash your hands. Shawn
I did...washed my hands with really hot water and lots of soap. Sad that these poor excuses for human beings can make me feel this way just from opening a peice of mail.
Ok- its an 'E'-mail, but it is worth sharing..... Afghan TV Guide MONDAYS 8:00 - "Husseinfeld" 8:30 - "Mad About Everything" 9:00 - "Suddenly Sanctions" 9:30 - "Everybody Loves Osama" 10:00 - "Allah McBeal" TUESDAYS 8:00 - "Wheel of Terror and Fortune" 8:30 - "Buffy the Yankee Imperialist Dog Slayer" 9:00 - "Children Are Forbidden From Saying the Darndest Things" 9:30 - "Afghanistan's Wackiest Public Execution Bloopers" 10:00 - "The Price is Right if Osama Says It's Right" WEDNESDAY 8:00 - "Goodnight America" 8:30 - "Third Rock From Kabul" 9:00 - "When Northern Alliances Attack" 9:30 - "Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pita Bread" 10:00 - "Just Shoot Everyone" THURSDAY 8:00 - "Lifestyles of the Dirt Poor and Dusty" 8:30 - "West Wing ER" 9:00 - "Veilwatch" 9:30 - "Who Wants To Be A Martyr" 10:00 - "Veronica's Closet Full of Long Black Shapeless Dresses and Veils" FRIDAY 8:00 - "Judge Laden" 8:30: "My Two Bagdads" 9:00 - "Achmed's Creek" 9:30 - "No Witness News" 10:00 - "Wild Wild Mid East" 10:30 - "I Dream of Jihad" HA! Shawn
My dog circles so fast and furious, it's impossible to count. We call it the wind-up. Since you asked, we all know the dog is decended from the wolf. In the wild, the wolf does the circling behavior to flatten the tall grass or brush he's standing in. That way, the poop dosen't stick to it and end up on him. Finally, something on this site that I know about! Dog poop.
Binding arbitration for my Citi AAdvantage card. Probably for my other Citibank cards as well, and probably for all of you as well.