Wedding Day approaching!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hope, Apr 14, 2002.

  1. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Nope, I'm not getting cold feet. Just the heebie-jeebies worrying if I'll get all the itty-bitty details taken care of in time.

    My wedding's next Sunday (just 7 days!!!)

    And I've got a long "To Do" list of nagging things to get done:

    1. Get all bills paid before we leave for honeymoon (even the ones that aren't billed yet, but will be and will also come due while we're away. Dangit!)
    2. Get gowns steamed (had to buy a steamer; it was cheaper and more convenient)
    3. Find my gloves (boyfriend "helped" out by tidying up, now tons of stuff is missing that he may have thought was clutter and trash!!!! Oh No!!!
    4. Verify head count with caterers (but of course they're closed
    5. Pick up tuxedos
    6. Finish pre-decorations and favors and ribbons
    7. Bustle my gown (sewing stores are closed today!)
    8. Oh, yeah, pack!
    9. Worry that I'll forget the marriage license, or our ings will get stuck on the best man's fingers like at my brother's wedding.
    10. Oh yeah, loose 10 more pounds so I'll get like a super model by then...yeah right. Anybody want to see a Winnie-the-Pooh bride!
    11. Stop the mail
    12. Stop the newspaper
    13. Convince a neighbor to pick up any deliveries left on our doorstep (tall order, since everybody keeps to themselves around these parts.)
    13. Send final checks to everybody
    14. Make deposits
    15. Set up lamp timers around the house (Home Depot here I come)
    16. Order Euro dollars and British pounds for taxis and such.
    17. Get cash
    18. Clean out freezer and fridge
    19. Get extra towels and linen for the 8 house guests who'll be here in 5 days!!!
    20. Order food for the rehearsal party
    21. Set up the in-laws first meeting. (They requested this, but the only time I have available is the night before the wedding and at my place. Now I'll have to be washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen before bedtime. And my Mom doesn't think she's getting enough attention as, of course she's the star of this show....oh wait, no, THAT would be M!, the Bride!!! And his Mom thinks my folks are being "standoffish" because they didn't make the first move to request the meeting. Wow, does this get better and can they possibly take the petty sniping to someone else's wedding?)
    22. Do laundry
    23. Get last minute supplies
    24. Clean the house
    25. handoff my clients to a colleague
    26. On and on and on....
    27. Mail and check on various credit bureau disputes.

    Everytime I get a few things crossed off my list, I suddenly remember a few more that need to be added.

  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, Hope! Whew...I'm exhausted just reading your When you get back, do you want to come help out with my life for a

  3. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding. :) The week prior to marriage is a hectic one, especially if you're doing most of the work. The day before the wedding...take your worst case of PMS and times it by 10. But, the day of the wedding everything seems to run smoothly. I hope you both have a long and happy life together. Again, congrats and best wishes.

  4. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Thanks Dani and whyspers. I've never been married before and I left it sort late too. But I keep wondering how much of a basket case I'm going to be the morning of the wedding (it's at 4:00pm).

    I've already told my parents (out-of-towners and will be staying with me) that I love them very much, but that if they pull any of that stress inducing crap they can be famous for, I'll put them both in a taxi and ship them off to the nearest hotel.

    They just kinda went "what do ya mean??? We're as innocent as new born babes!"

    Let me tell ya....NOT!! I know my folks and maybe they don't realize it, but they could piss off the pope!

    Does the make me a disrespectful daughter, I wonder. Oh well!
  5. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Wow Hope what a list!! I am sure you will do and remember MOST things LOL:)

    The best of luck to you and your new hubby:)

    Have a safe and fun honeymoon:)
  6. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member


    What a flashbackâ?¦ just remember BREATH. You are one person; you can only do so much. One of the best I did was the night before while my DH was entertaining his family I snuck away and did a mud mask, followed by a long hot shower. These two hours alone centered me again. Find time for you. Allow for mistakes, they will happen and enjoy the happiest day of your life.
  7. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    Biggest thing to remember, that no one thinks of until it is too late...
    Put someone in charge of making sure any children in your wedding party are taken to bathroom BEFORE the ceremony.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    It can be VERY stressful...even if it is going like clock-work...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I lived through mine...

  10. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    REMEMBER TO EAT! A FRIEND OF mine fainted at the alter because in all the pre wedding hoopla, she had not eatin in 24 hours.

    oh, yeah, have you ever tried to go to the bathroom in a wedding gown!! (hint) this is why your maid of honor needs to be a really good friend!!!

  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Go potty just before the dress goes on...
  12. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Now you all know why we eloped! LOL

    Best of luck to you. Shawn and I aren't going to be the only newlyweds anymore.

    It'll be really fun, I promise.
  13. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    All that to do, and she still has time to post on THAT is true CreditNet devotion.

    Best of luck Hope. I wish you many years of happiness and health together.

    -Peace, Dave
  14. ng

    ng Well-Known Member


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