
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Kittw1, Dec 5, 2001.

  1. doodyhead

    doodyhead Well-Known Member

    Re: Check this out....

    I don't think we have Chevrons in Ok. But we have Texaco. I wonder if I would qualify for Chevron or not. I think I will call
  2. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Check this out....

    If I am not mistaken I think I saw a sign at Texaco the other day stating that you could use your Chevron..so maybe it is happening as we speak!

    Thanks Breeze!
  3. MT

    MT Well-Known Member

    Re: Check this out....

    Sistergirl - I've been wondering about this --

    Can I use my Texaco card at Chevron service stations?
    You will not be able to use your Texaco credit card at Chevron service stations, but you can easily apply for a Chevron card by calling 1-800 FREE APP (1-800-373-3277) or by applying online at www.chevroncreditcard.com.

    Can I use my Chevron card at Texaco service stations?
    You will not be able to use your Chevron credit card at Texaco service stations. In the United States, Texaco stations are neither owned nor operated by ChevronTexaco Corp.

    This leads me to believe that Chevron will retain the management of its card., etc.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Check this out....

  5. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Check this out....

    I have both cards---Texaco($1000.00) & Chevron($600.00).

    Anxious to see what will occur(since we saw what happened w/ExxonMobil....new cards mailing Nov/Dec/Jan....message on Dec Exxon inv).

    I will update when it all goes down & the end product occurs.

    Sister Girl

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