I am an AU on my wife's capone c.c. for some reason my TU and EQ reports show two lates but my wife's do not. Both Exp's are clean. A while back, my wife wrote in to request removing the lates but did not receive a written answer. However, her reports no longer show the lates. Should I dispute my AU account and risk Capone "updating" both of our accts with lates on all three CRAs? or should I ask my wife to contact capone to resolve. I heard that some creditors may not update AU's with their "secondary" bureaus or ones that they are not as automated with. Suggestions?
I suggest she start with the CC and go from there. Maybe send copies of canceled checks with the dates highlighted to show that you weren't late. Just explain the situation by calling getting the CSR info and follow it up with a letter confirming conversation and what transpired. They should be able to clear it up. And hopefully, they will get the info off your report. Hope this helps! Good luck. leesac