Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection Right: FDS needs to inform his insurer yesterday so they can ask Safeco and their insured some questions for a change. ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <> ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <>
Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection I don't think he wants to ask too many questions right now. He'd better call his company and do whatever they tell him if he wants to keep his insurance and his license. This is the time for him to be as nice and polite as possible, and say "Yes, sir" or "Yes, Ma'am." I think his time to ask questions has long past. He'd better think about keeping his butt out of court and possibly jail.
Re: Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection FDS is going to have a MASTER DISASTER on his hands if Safeco takes him to court and his insurer isn't there to back him. ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <
Re: Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection And they may not be, thanks largely to you. Learn to back off when you don't know what the hell you're talking about. The sooner he talks to his insurance company, the better the chance that they'll be there to support him. But thanks to you butting into a subject you knew nothing about and countermanding what those who knew were telling him for the last six weeks, he may be hanging by himself. Now, lb, BACK OFF!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection No, go to jail for not replying, for possibly being reported for not having insurance, for failure to comply with an investigation. In many jurisdictions, failure to comply with an ongoing investigation is a crime. He was contacted numerous times by the insurance company, then by a subrogation agency. He probably won't go to jail, but at least I hope it got his attention. But he could very well have his license suspended, and then if he continues to drive he will be in even more trouble. It depends how it was reported. Since the person with the damaged car reported his tag number and he has never replied to any requests, he could be charged with hit and run. And by now he may not have his insurance company to defend him. That's why it's always important to report any accident or ALLEGED ACCIDENT to your insurance company. And, life isn't fair.
My wife and I had a similiar situation. My wife saw an accident happen so she stopped and being the good hearted person that she was, she offered to be a witness. She gave the other drivers her contact information. 12 months later, we started getting very similiar letters to what you received, demanding a bunch of money or our insurance carrier info. Apparently the other drivers blamed HER for the accident that they were involved in. (They had a semi-plausable reason for believing this, but we disagreed with their theory, regardless its irrelevant to the story) We told' to pound sand, but that didnt stop the letters and calls. Finally after about 2 months, we called our insurance carrier and told them what was going on. My insurer said they would take care of it. They did. They told the other insurance company to pound sand . My agent told me the only option the other carrier had, was to file suit, which if they did, our insurance would defend against, and either settle or pay if we lost. That was the end of it, and because of the circumstances, this was never considered against our driving record, nor did our insurance go up. If your policy is like 99% of insurance policys, you have a contractual obligation to tell your insurance company about this potential claim....And your insurance company has a contractual obligation to defend you. If you are innocent, you have nothing to lose by telling your insurance company. If you are guilty, you have ALOT to lose by not telling your insurance company. If you are innocent and don't tell your carrier, you stand to lose just as much as if you were guilty. Best of luck
Nah, he prolly got sued, didn't answer, they got a default judgment against him, and he had to sell his computer to make payments.
now he must prove he had FR at the time of the allegation. sahlegian ======== What if FDS wasn't required to have insurance at that particular time? ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <> ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <>
Than his car better have parked in his driveway at the time the allegation occured. If your car is in motion, then you as the person who owns the plates you better have insurance.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection the DMV would send me a form in the mail that i had to send back proving i had insurance. And if i didnt prove i was insured on the date they sent the form, the state of Ohio automatically revokes my liscense sahlegian xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Could you shed any light on why this hasn't happened to fds? L B
Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection If Feds Canceled the insurance on that car after the occurance of the alledged accident or got rid of the car where does that leave him when his insurer don't have it listed on his policy?
I advise the poster to also find out who notified their insurance company that he hit their car. sahlegian ><- <>- ><- <> Could this person be guilty of insurance Fraud? ><- <>- ><-
First off, he may not have recieved the form because it may not have been reported to the state BMV yet. And Im not sure what state he is even in, I can only speak for Ohio, and they actually have sent them to drivers randomly who signed the affadavit when they renewed their plates within the last few years. When you renew your plates in Ohio, and get that sticker for your car, you sign an affadavit stating that you are INSURED and will continue to be INSURED as long as you have a valid plate on the car. If there was a lapse in coverage the company that carried the insurace for it would still have the record. And is the person guilty of insurance fraud, well thats for a prosecutor, a jury, and a judge to decide. I couldnt tell you.
Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection Your the wrong person to be thanking me, I wanna see FDS outta this mess as fast, and clean as possible. If it can be done at this point.
Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection damn. I see this has caused some discussion. Thanks for the input. The vehicle is insured and was insured at the time of the alleged occurrence. I sent an email to the insurance dept fraud division. The name of the person who reported this was on the initial letter from the insurance co. I am considering calling an attorney (specializing in insurance) to see what they have to say. I understand that the insurance aspect of this is more important, but I would like it if someone would also comment on the CA aspect of all of this as this is a credit board and a lot of people have become experts on the topic. CA stuff I sent a complaint to FTC regarding violations. Has anyone benefited from FTC actions. 1. Is there any difference in CA violations if they put the words "subrogation claim" on their collection letters. 2. Since my cease and desist and VR they have called and written 5 times. Are these possibly worth $1000 each or are they considered 1 violation.
Re: Re: Re: Weird auto insurance collection That's not an issue. If FDS had insurance when the "incident" (may have) occurred, there is coverage.