Hi Desperate, I'm really sorry, but I feel the need to pull your IP and print this out and send it to your creditor. Why would you defraud someone like that. it only raises the costs for the rest of us. Tomorrow I'll be printing your posts out, and faxing them to your creditor with an IP that they can go to your ISP with and identify you with. This is really sick, ya know, you really make it hard for us who are trying to work in peace with Ford/Car finance companies to get along. no wonder they won't work wiht me, they've dealt with people like you. Anyone wanna buy a soapbox? forgive me if I"ve offended anyone else, but I'm sick of promoting 'victimless' crime. WE all know that there's no such thing as a free lunch, you may get away with it now, but some poor bastard down the road who'll pay your price. I'm sick of being that person.
SdBoy, Do what you want, you don't think they aren't going to find out anyway? My attorney will be contacting them tomorrow anyhow regarding this matter. Like I said I never meant to defraud anyone or screw anyone out of any money. Quite the contrary I plan on paying them every last cent until they are paid. I just wanted my monies worth in a car that I feel is right for the money I'm paying every month. I have found a Ford Lemon Focus just doesn't cut it. You state higher intrest is being paid because of people like me, yes that is correct but who do you think is paying the intrest??? Ummm maybe me at 20%??? I think I kinda qualify for my mistakes in paying this ridiculously high intrest rate. Who's robbing who you ask?? Do you think anyone with perfect credit would even consider financing a car through TranSouth??? Believe me those with the best credit get the best rates plain and simple. If you have bad credit you are going to pay it is as simple as that! These companies suck the bottom of the fish tanks dealing with deadbeats who they know can't get a loan anywhere else, so they understand the risk they are getting into in dealing with the people in the first place. Do you think a car payment of $399.00 a month for a Ford Focus isn't robbery?? Heck I could lease a damn mercedes of Lexus with that kind of payment. A friend of mine with good credit pay less a month for his Toyota 4 runner then I am paying for an econobox Ford Focus??? I understand this and since I have bad credit I have learned to expect this and as such will pay this outlandish price to a company that can give a rats ass about me. I am a victim of my own stupidity and companies like TranSouth prey on this! That is how their CEO's can own summer houses in the Hamptons. You can print and fax if you like it's your quater! I'm sure when TranSouth contact's my ISP Provider they will be more then happy to disclose my identity to TranSouth without a court order. From what I can gather the only reason they (Ford Car/Finance Companies) as you stated in your post probably won't deal with you is because your credit suck's like mine. Who's fault is that?? Mine? Desperate
Glad to hear it. I didn't consider the PMSI issue you mentioned above. There are specific steps that a creditor must take in order to perfect a PMSI. Those steps include registering the PMSI with the local court etc... Since they apparently did not perfect thier PMSI then they will have difficulty repossessing the car legally. You really lucked out on a technicality this time. Please keep us posted, I find this drama extremely interesting.
I REALLY DON'T THINK THAT IS NECESSARY! I'm sure the vast majority on this board would take a very dim view of such breach of confidence. She came here for help. Though I understand your frustration, it's NOT your job to fix the world SD. Desperate will be paying her own price without your help. YOU pay higher prices mostly because of YOUR credit, not the behavior of others. "The manifestation of power most respected by most people is restraint". Colan Powell
I am not so sure I would refer to TranSouth as bottom feeders though. I usually save that classification for the collection agencies. I think one could just as easily view them as a company that is willing to take a chance on people that other companies will not. If it were not for companies like TranSouth people with bad to no credit could not get loans at all. Sure they stick it to you in higher interest, but that is the cost associated with a higher risk loan. I believe the people at TranSouth think they are providing a valuable service to give people who have made mistakes in their past or are just starting out a chance that the major lenders such as Ford and GMAC won't. They do expect to be paid for their risk though. Just my 2 cents
SDboy, Shame on you :-( Desperate, It does still take a court order to get information from your ISP unless you're law enforcement, care of the Patriot Act. Sassy
1*I got into this catch 22 just this month. 2*This could cause you the loss of your car. 3*I just did it.------------LB 59
Hey everyone, if I said to you all that I molested a young 14 year old girl, but I'm sorry and needed help, what would your response be. 'You suck ****" is what you'd say. But when someone defrauds a business, well, I suppose thats ok. I did not molest anyone BTW, except my GF and she doesn't mind! My whole point is that why are you helping/advising her, in my state, what some of you said constitutes conspiracty as you knew of a crime and didn't report it.
I didn't mean 'funny' like ha ha, that is cool. I meant funny like, 'I can't believe you did that'. Perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully. I also had to laugh at what she did, even though I know fraud isn't funny.
The simple answer SD is because this is an anonymous board and it is here to give help. I despise what she did, but being this is an anonymous board, it isn't my business to report her, you or anybody else. What if you posted here about a ca that was harassing you and we all gave you advise, but someone got bent and sent all the posts to the ca. Quite a crock huh? SD, she is taking care of it so in the interest of this board, don't do anything stupid.
Fine, I won' do anything, but remember that next time some company refuses you service because something 'looks' funny, thank Desperate.
SD, I agree w/ LKH and anyone else who has advised you against your stated course of action. This is an anonymous board.
1. And what Catch 22 is that? 2. What do you mean that having my car inspected for pre-existing damage could cause me the loss of my car? Please expand upon that statement because it doesnâ??t make a bit of sense. 3. Really? Full coverage on a financed car without an inspection? And your insurance company just assumed that the car hadnâ??t been in an accident? In fact they just trusted you over the phone outright when you said â??I need full coverage and my car is undamagedâ?? I sincerely doubt that. On the planet where I live MOST insurers will not give you Full Coverage on your vehicle without first verifying that your car doesn't look like a crumpled ball of aluminum foil. Additionally, most finance companies will not let you get by with anything less than Full Coverage on the car. Remember, they have an interest in your car and if you plow into a telephone pole and donâ??t have Full Coverage insurance they could be totally screwed. Are you talking about Liability Insurance? Now that would make sense, and as I stated before I have insured un-financed cars for Liability only by calling the insurance company and adding the car to my policy or just starting a new policy over the phone but Full Coverage is a whole different matter. Please explain what you meant. Thank you.
I always had full coverage on any car I owed, loan or paid off. I never once had to get a car inspected by the insurer before they would insure it under full coverage. BTW I have State Farm, maybe others are different?? Desperate PS...I am waiting to he back from my attorney/Brother-in law to hear what he came up with. I don't want to call and bother him since he isn't charging us anything. He said he would definetly call me today to let me know how things went. When I come home from work tonight I would have already talked to him and I'll post and let everyone know how it went. Thanks for all the help though! Desperate
Desperate, If you say that you have never had to get a car inspected for damage prior to getting full coverage then why don't you just contact the insurance company that you used to insure this car through, re-activate the former policy and send the proof of insurance to the finance company? Wouldn't that help you continue to 'live the lie'? Who knows you might be able to do that until the loan is paid in full...LOL! (Perhaps the pre-inspection rule only applies to Arizona motorists...who knows? It doesn't make sense that it wouldn't apply everywhere though.)
Thanks for the advice, but at this point I want to make good and set things straight with TranSouth, No matter how painfull that might be I want to correct my mistake with them. I spoke to my brother in law and it seems they might want to work something out. I didn't realize it but my attorney read the whole entire contract which states that both parties must arbitrate this thing if requested by either party. He said this reduces the liability of a lawsuit to either party since if a suit is filed the suit must be dropped in lieu of arnitration if either party requests it. It stated some of the reasons for disputing this agreement in arbitration and one of the reasons listed is....Fraud. My attorney said they have no other recourse but to stick to the agreement and go before an arbitrator and not a real judge to settle the matter, thus no criminal charges. He thinks they may want it to go before the arbitrator for him to decide a payment plan or remedy to pay back TranSouth. He said we might be requesting arbitration late next week if our talks with TranSouth are not favorable. He did say that the arbitrators ruling is final and if the arbitrator finds in favor of TranSouth for the entire amount payable at once, they TranSouth can then sue me for the money if I don't abide by the arbitrators decision. I was more worried about the criminal charges though. I'm glad that he found that out. Desperate
I hope you have learned your lesson about trying to cheat and lie your way out of a bad situation, after all , you are NOT an Enron CEO. By the way, you had better hope that the insurance fraud part of this mess doesn't affect your "real" car's insurance.