Hi everybody. I'm Jim, and until about 18 months ago, I was a jackass with my credit. now I'm finding out that all of the freelancing and all of the delinquent payments are killing my score (which is currently at 525 as I slap myself). I've been really, REALLY good about paying everything on time for the last year or so. Stupidly good. I have three useable cards, with unfortunately high balances (i mean, maybe 1200 between all three, and I pay them down monthly, ON TIME, and at least three times the minimum). I have a student loan account in collections which is being paid on time, monthly, and the collections agency is the Attourney General of Ohio. I had a deal worked out with that debitor, and the financial aid officer that I had been assigned is pretty incompetent and got the account sent to collections after he assured me it would be okay. Well, regardless, I'm here to learn, raise my score, be eligible for "real" credit, and get things in order. I'm here to learn. I screwed up. I just want to fix it. Jim
I'm ignorant with student loans, except to say, that if you rehab a loan, with one year of on time payments, I believe they clean up the mess on your crs. You should check on it.
Thanks, Jlynn. I do believe that I got very screwed on this student loan thing. I feel like posting all of the details, but I'm sure it's something everyone has heard, and I don't want to be the newbie whiner. I just wanna fix all of the credit problems due to my stupidity!