Re: Get the horse, then the cart Greg, Not sure what your problem is that you find it necessary to flame me. You know nothing but the tip of the ice berg of our situation that lead to the Bk's. Frankly it is none of your buisness. I did not ask for any help when I started this thread. I simple thought others on this board would understand our situation. All the debt was fully paid. If that helps your quest for knowledge. It was Discharged in 12/99. All taken care of in 9 months. Less time then I am being slamed for having filed the BK. We did close the buisness. If you would have correctly read my message. I stated we have good paying jobs now. As for the FHA what the Atlanta divison told me was confirmed by three brokers who do FHA. Their underwriters just wouldn't underwrite it. This thread had to do with the errors on our CR's & Lenders. Not the items we admit to. Those were bad enough. The errors make it even worse. It sucks that I feel that I have to defend myself to you. I thought this board was to help people. Not make them feel worse then they all ready do. Becky
Re: Get the horse, then the cart So, it was DISCHARGED, not DISMISSED. That's a big fdifference. How do I know that you were in control? Because you can't get an FHA loan. The guidelines refer to "extenuating circumstances beyond his or her control," and that wasn't the case. You had control, so you didn't get the loan. It's nothing personal. "All the debt was fully paid." You mean you reaffirmed all your accounts? That's quite an accomplishment and you should get credit for it. Make sure your report says so. "We did close the buisness. If you would have correctly read my message. I stated we have good paying jobs now." I read your messages and you didn't say you closed the business. Many sole-proprietor small business owners have jobs. They two occupations aren't mutually exclusive. "As for the FHA what the Atlanta divison told me was confirmed by three brokers who do FHA." But they're not doing YOUR FHA loan, and that's the one that counts. Anybody can yak about what they think the guidelines are (passed down to them through folklore rather than independent thought and actually reading the laws), but when it comes down to showing someone where it actually says what they're saying, verbally, they'll come up short. They just want you to go away. If you've been horsing around with your credit reports for a year and still have 60 errors, there is something very, very wrong. Don't expect lenders to do the dirty work of credit repair for you. What's in it for them? A long shot? Why haven't you hired a credit repair firm or a lawyer? If you made your disputes a year ago, why aren't the reports correct? Give one specific example of an account that isn't correct and what you did about it. Believe it or not, I can help you, but not with your chip on your shoulder, and not without you answering the basic questions I posed. I write web sites that, hopefully, empower consumers with basic knowledge about credit reporting. But it constantly astounds me-- even after all the nasty stories-- that people, in general expect their credit files to be accurate. Then when they aren't, the consumer is floored. Too much faith, and not enough questions.
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Equifax- Three different & overlaping files. With three different scores. So depending on who pulled it up you got either a Becon of 757, 548 or 498. 3 weeks ago I got them to merge the files. In doing so they duplicated two accounts. Now I can't get them to take one off. Have requested investigation twice now on these. They say the companies must have given me two accounts to be nice. TU-sent disputes three times in the past year have never heard from them. I have called on the phone told they can not discuss it on the phone. Just sent another set via certified. TU-disputes. 5 CC accounts showing huge balances. No rating. Last reported 6/95. We closed these in 5/95. BK 13 filing Experian- same bs as the other two. bk 7 from 1995 as filing. These are just a few. Went to a CCC they were absolutly no help. At $150 per hour an attorney is out. It dosen't matter to our CR's if we paid off the 13 cause none of it was reportable since they were all buisness accounts. They were not reaffirimed they were litterally paid off in the 9 months. So I have done ok this last round cause I knew what to say this time. Thanks to some on this board. Out of the 9 items & 3 files on Equifax I am down to 2 items & 1 file. Experian & TU have not heard back from them. They have 2 weeks left on their time limit. Certified recipts came back so I know they have it. Chip on my shoulder probably due to having gone through all this in the past. Cleaning everything up. Coming back from literal poverty in 2 1/2 years to being able to afford a $175K home. Have totally changed our life around. Pay strictly with cash. Had to get a card so we had something on our CR. Low CL. Only use for gas, pay off each month. Always on time or a week early on paing bills. Yet the only thing we get is condemed for the past. Becky
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Ok, one more doesn't matter..the argument is not worth having as I RECEIVED AN FHA LOAN WITH A DISMISSED BK13 JUST 1 MONTH AGO. I'M THE PROOF YOU CAN GET ONE!! sigh... Ok...I'm back to normal...whatever that is for me!
Re: Get the horse, then the cart I think the main thing is that you certainly can get a home loan, and even a reasonable one. It's just going to take persistence and effort on your part. The best things in life are never just dropped in our laps :_) Keep at it and you'll get what you want. We're proof of that :_)
Re: Get the horse, then the cart So, NanaC, was the bankruptcy dismissed prior to your ever making the first payment? Why didn't you go through with the bankruptcy (in other words, why was it dismissed not discharged?)? Did you request the dismissal, or did the court throw out the case?
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Not that anybody cares. I just want you all to know that people like me really need this board for productive work. Needless to say, I think that this is not the forum for arguments. We all may have difficulty explaining our credit situations but the fact remains, we all do or have had adverse credit and issues that we are trying to solve. "Can we just all get along" - Rodney King (LOL)
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Thankyou Nana you give me hope. To all others with well incouragment I thankyou too. I'll keep you posted on our journey Becky
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Are you writing a freakin' book? Whatever made her make her decision was hers to make. Not for you to pass judgement on. Keep your nose out of other people's business and they might receive your comments better.
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Not a book, but maybe a freakin' magazine article. We all judge things and people every day. We judge the weather, if the car in front of us looks like they're going to turn, and whether our boss will mind if we're late based on how we did at work yesterday. We have judges in courts, loan underwriters who judge us, and members on an Internet message board who judge what we say... and-- OMIGOD-- react (even if their judgment is impaired by ignorance). I'm judging you right now! Yikes! Give it a rest. I'm not worried about how my comments are received. There seems to be some confusion about dismissed bankruptcies and discharged bankruptcies-- just as the original poster was confused about something she called a Business Bankruptcy (which we resolved by talking about it). The only way I know that a Chapter 13 can be dismissed is if the court cancelled the action before the first payment was made. Perhaps I'm wrong-- and that's why I'm asking. But perhaps they mean that is was discharged-- something entirely different. And, again, perhaps, they mean that the Chapter 13 was resolved by filing a Chapter 7 after some of the payments were made. It happens. What's it like in Hell? Or, am I not allowed to ask about that-- even though you bought it up? I need to know the rules, here.
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Greg, What is the difference between a discharged BK and a dismissed BK? My husband filed chapter 7 and it was discharged in 6/93. Thanks.
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Discharged means you went through the whole process of making your payments/aggrements with anyone you wish to reaffirm. Th BK is done & over. Dismissed can be due to either: Choosing not to go through with it. Or having the judge dismiss it due to not keeping up with your payments. In this case you still owe the creditors. As a matter of fact: You can be making payments & choose to have it dismissed. Becky
Re: Get the horse, then the cart As I said, I'm not sure of all the details. Perhaps NanaC can give us a first-hand account.
Re: Get the horse, then the cart OK...Becky...sorry..first week of school with students and I'm so behind in LIFE in's the information.. I started my BK13 in 96. All went well until 98 when I was in a bad car accident. I was out of work for 9 months...and my income disappeared. (As a new teacher in the district, I didn't qualify for long term sick leave coverage..even though I had been a teacher for years.) Anyway, the dramatic income loss meant it was hard to keep up my BK13 payments. We got them lowered...but it still wasn't enough...we were "hurtin'" as they say..and I was hurting physically, as well. Anyway, we simply couldn't finish...and the BK13 was dismissed since we stopped making payments prior to final payment. A discharged BK13 is actually better so it's good if that is what you have and, I believe, will only help your cause to get a house! Again, please forgive me for taking so long to answer. Greg, honestly, can't you just take a step back from the approach you have here? I believe you have things to share that will be helpful based on some previous posts and I would hate you (or your words) to get lost behind that tone. Now, I know you don't care what I or others think, you've explained that a lot, but I can't believe you are here unless you believe in the purpose of the board which is to share helpful information...let's now lose sight of that, pretty please. Erica: You're a doll!
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: FHA requires a minimum of 2 years since the DISCHARGE of the bankruptcy. An explanation of the bankruptcy will be required. Furthermore, the borrower should have re-established credit (i.e. secured credit card) with no late payments. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: FHA will consider a borrower still paying on a Chapter 13 bankruptcy if the payments to the court have been made for a minimum of 1 year in a satisfactory manner (as verified with the courts) and with the approval of the court trustee. from:
Re: Get the horse, then the cart I know! (blushing) You are too! I've missed you. Are you all settled in to your new e-mail address and yahoo account yet? If you are drop me a line. My e-mail is enabled on here.
Re: Get the horse, then the cart NanaC, Thankyou for sharing that with me. Sorry you had to go through all that too. I hope you totally recovered from the accidcent. How is the new school year going? One of the many errors on my reports it that each one reports the bk as something different. Experian - correct, as discharged Equifax - wrong, as dismissed TU - not a clue, as filing. I never did get answered whether I would beable to get it totally taken off my reports. Since courts report this as a buisness BK just under my husbands name. Anyone know? Thanks again from everyone on for the support. Becky
Re: Get the horse, then the cart Marie, Why do you say that? According to what I was told. In a Ch 13 case. Discharged is ordered when you have made full restitution & the Bk is settled in full. Dismissed means you did not finsh your obligations & are still liable, but for certian circumstances. The judge dismissed it. Becky