Well...Talked to punks at RMA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by trout, Nov 21, 2002.

  1. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    Got my equifax back as verified for this dang RMA acct. They verified! They still say 8/96, the original sears was chargeoff date was 12/95 and the original has fallen off already.

    Any idea what to do next? The guy said I could send them a request for validation. Should I send something more aggressive? He was nice, I guess once he knew that I knew the SOL was up, he didnt even try to collect. He didnt argue or nothing.

    whats next? fax a validation letter? nutcase? call them every five minutes until they get tired of me?
  2. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    for some reason, "butch" pops into my head about this one.

    anyways, I'll be back later. These guys piss me off.
    My only unresolved derog!
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    RMA and equifax have some sort of relationship... I have letters from rma saying "delete" but eq keeps verifying... I am going to send ITS on mine.....

    If butch got some answers, I hope he will post them!
  4. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    How did you get the delete letters? Give me some tips! they are all I have left!! driving me crazy, punks. I was atleast wanting them to yell at me...but nothing. He was all kind and quiet.
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    I sent request for validation

    no response

    I sent second request to some head honcho

    no response

    I sent third request to honch ( not nice letter)
    got the delete letters

    a lot of good it is doing EQ has not deleted but has strangely updated the status to paid... I am ready to sue after CHOD
  6. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I sent validation-- they validated (old sears account) they are still mis-reporting the DOLA on EQ for me as well... so I am not sure validation will do you any good regarding the re-aging problem. Lawsuit is the only thing that would solve this I think.
  7. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I would send them the request for validation. You have got to start your papertrail and start it now.
  8. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Today RMA verified the DOLA they are reporting as 98... original Sears account charged off in 96. I think I am going to wait until the Sears TL falls off and then sue... really, we should all get together for a lawsuit. Its crazy that so many of us experience the same problem with them and they get away with it... EQ and RMA both...
  9. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, and the TL reverted back to "charged off, unable to locate customer." What a load of crap! I'm thinking that RMA did not respond in the 30 days (over today) so EQ just reverted back to the original TL....
  10. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Not to hijack the thread....but does RMA sue for these Sears debts or do they just screw with your report? I have a Sears CO that changes between a R-9 and R-5 everytime I dispute.
  11. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I haven't heard of anyone getting sued... most of our debts are past the SOL anyway.
  12. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    yea, mines past the SOL too. They know they cant collect. I tried to work with sears years ago, but they didnt want to work with me and sent me to RMA. I have heard nothing from them in forever, then once I started looking at my reports, I got a letter from them. I called and was expecting them to be punks, but the guy was pretty much neutral and didnt seem to care about collecting. I guess he knew it was not going to be paid. I guess I'll send them validation.
  13. robin06492

    robin06492 New Member

    I hate RMA too! They are extremely hard to deal with.MY story with RMA is they had listed an account under collections when it was not suppose to be with them. I had filed BK with the original creditor MCI and somehow during the filing MCI sent it to collections with RMA as current account deliquent. Anyway, even though RMA was notified it was filed under BK with MCI they still kept verifying with EQ thet the account was valid and the info they had was correct. I disputed and called RMA numerous times, still came back verified and was continously lied to over the phone for months by being told it would be removed. Never was until I got so mad I called and talked to some jerk named Randall. I told him to put a supervisor on now I was going to sue. One week later it was off my report.
    They will lie to you and push you around. You have to be fierce from the start or you will get nowhere.
  14. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    oh yea...and the guy on the phone at RMA said his system didnt have an 'opened date' or much info at all. Makes me wonder how it was verified by equifax. Sears wont give me any info at all, and deleted from all 3 reports, even experian which had a dola as 2/96. So the original is off of all three.

    My TU has 0 derogs.
    My experian has 1 left in dispute.
    equifax has this RMA and an old bestbuy paid collection that should fall off in jan or feb.

    Im almost there baby!
  15. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Do you have old credit reports that show sears as having the charged off as 12/95? The thing is, if they didn't actually charge it off, back in 1995 they weren't required to charge off after 180 days.

    Do you have any documentation from sears saying that the account is charged off, or the entry on your old credit reports that prove this? If so, black out all information on your credit reports other than the sears, and other info like name, ss#, etc. and send it to Equifax. If they continue to report it incorrectly, then you have both RMA and Equifax for purposely listing inaccurate info on credit report.
  16. trout

    trout Well-Known Member


    I just called to check my messages at home and I have a message from RMA. I wonder what they want.
  17. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    well, I called em up. They still claim that I owe them and that my chargeoff date is 8/96. The orig creditor sears, was 12/95 and has already fallen off. I guess i have to send RMA somehting inthe mail. BUT..I dont know what to send them now. What do I ask for? How can I prove the re-age???
  18. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    do you have an old credit report saying "charged off 12/95"... this should be enough. How can they say they don't know... LIARS! Did you dispute this back when the Sears tradeline was still on your report? If so, they have no excuses... if they actually did what they were supposed to do to "verify" then they should have looked at the Sears tradeline to get the DOLA.
  19. trout

    trout Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have the sears from last month listed on the report. On my updated report it is gone.

    what do i do with this? Do they care that one is sears and one is RMA? It clearly says that sears is charge off 12/95. It has been deleted too, per 7 yr range I guess.

    RMA is only on equifax. the other 2 are at NO derogs.

    So you think equifax will do it? What if the sears date is wrong and they replace it??
  20. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I thought RMA wanted the info? Maybe I read your previous post wrong. Anyhow, I would send a letter directly to RMA-- thats what I plan on doing. Sending this stuff to EQ will do you no good-- they will verify no matter what when it comes to RMA

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