Why did this need a seperate thread. I am REALLLLY sick of people bitching that their thread is not getting attention. If you are not getting a response BUMP it. Better yet READ THE FAQ most newbie questions are there. I think it should be required reading before joining. LOL OK so I had a crappy day. I am carless (it broke) and my husband left me waiting in DETROIT in the GHETTO for 2 hours. Maybe I should be happy I am at least alive aye
I agree about the required reading. But I wouldnt complain if they didnt read it. When I joined this board, there was not FAQ section. So Please take advantage of it. Thank You and thank those who developed it.
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by_______ SHOTcaller well.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's a deep subject. Quixote ============================ Yeah but look who's calling the shot! -------------------------- LOL
Or, as Miss Nora Hart, my 92 year old (in 1983) collegiate landlord used to say, "Well... where you gonna dig it?" Doc