Wells Fargo Charge Off

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NFL_One, May 28, 2009.

  1. NFL_One

    NFL_One New Member

    Wells Fargo contacted me and said my account has been charged off. They still have the account but I have a short time to pa off in full or "settle" with a lesser amount. I said sure if you delete the chrage off mark on my credit report. Initially they seemed to have said they could if I paid, then later they said they cannot. Has anyone gotten them to do a pay for delete? Im a newbie but spent a few hours reading thie threads to get a base background. Thanks in advance. BTW they are quite rude.
  2. sparq

    sparq Well-Known Member

    Welcome aboard! Glad to see you've already read through the back threads.

    PFD and Wells Fargo are two things I have zero experience with, so I'll let someone else handle that one. But when it comes to them being rude, yeah, it's uncalled for, but there's nothing saying they have to be polite. I suspect most debt collectors / collections agents get rude for one (or both) of two reasons:

    1) It gets alleged debtors fired up. The alleged debtor might flip out and say something like "Oh yeah, well I happen to work for XYZ Corporation and our legal department has dealt with you before!". This is the reason why it's always -- ALWAYS -- best to never speak to a CA on the phone. The more information they can get an alleged debtor to spill, the easier their job becomes.

    - OR -

    2) They're self-hating people stuck in a dead-end job with tons of debt of their own.

    Take your pick. :)
  3. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    There book-licking lackey who enjoy making Granny and the single mom cry.I got on the phone once and laid into one,who complain to the telephone company about me.As far as I'm concerned they should replace test drive dummies with Ca's,Why waste a perfectly good dummy.
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Wells will not do a PFD.

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