PAE, as far as I know, you can only cite to published cases. It is a fairness issue..opposing counsel should have the opportunity to prepare a rebuttal. It is also an efficiency issue, IMO, judges don't wanna dig through files to pull up a case. I have yet to see a published small claims opinion.
whatever. I personally only use opinion letters written by Supreme Court Justices re: my issue, addressed to me personally on US Supreme Court letterhead.
he doesn't get the letters, he is making a mockery of the site along with GEORGE, MR. 14,000 posts...
Re: Went to small claims and lost. humblmarc | 38 posts since Dec 2002 | 12.12.2002 @ 20:02 ---------------------------------===============~~~~~~~~~~~ WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?
First, I would like to thank everyone including "The Kid" for listing my mistakes. I now understand how to proceed with a case like this. This site is too important to allow "The Kid and Humblmarc w/o a C" to disrupt it. Thanks to this site and it members, I have been able to raise my scores by over 100 fico points. Losing a case due to lack of preperation and lack of case law is not going to hold me back. I hope that trolls and the above will not hold others back. tix
Butch I would really like to thank you. I forgot to point out how useful your post was. Thank you for taking the time on the subject. tix
Sure thing, I've been thinkin, I wonder if you could illicit future violations and go after em again. (just thinkin out loud. I do that sometimes)