For the past 2.5 months I have been unable to purchase my credit report or Score Power from Equifax. I keep getting a message that they can't confirm my identity or that my credit file is too big. At this point, I just want to know were I can purchase my true FICO score from besides getting it from Equifax. Thanks for any help.
THERE IS NONE... ONLY THIS... Did you try calling on the phone and asking for them to send it to you for FREE, since they won't let you pay $12.95???
So, Equifax is a true FICO? My quetion is then is that what lenders see is THAT score? Or are there FICOS that we don't see from the other cra's?
SUPPOSEDLY...the ONLY "TRUE" F.I.C.O. we can get is EQUIFAX, TRANSUNION, EXPERIAN are available...BUT NOT TO US!!!
Go to qspace and pull it. That's what I had to do because equifax was saying that my file was too big as well.