Hi, all, Bear with me. I'm feeling pretty clueless today. I have two situations that I need help with. One, I'm sure, is pretty easy, but like I said, just not with it today. I disputed two accts with TU mid July. A few days before I disputed I sent out the CMRRR to the CAs. 1) I had a collections acct on CR for WW Adj. stating OC Security Collections. I had no idea what this was. Well, I received notice very quickly from them that this account was closed and has been returned to the original creditor who turns out to be BLAIR! (They have only sent this to God only knows how many collection agencies even though it is over the SOL. Currently, Asset Acceptance.) Anyway, they state in the letter that to speed up the process I can send the letter to all the CRAs, but they will notify as well. My question is: The 30 days are almost up with TU and it hasn't moved. Should I call TU, send a copy of the letter, or fax them? I'm not sure which route to that. Should I just wait for another week or so? 2)I have a collections acct on CR for Debt Rec. Sol. It stated for Sprint. I knew that had been a long time ago,I haven't received any validation from them. It just shows up as acct in dispute on TU. While searching through my papers, I found an old EQ CR that showed that this was originally placed with Audit Sys. in 1996. Debt Rec. is showing it as May 2002. Isn't that re-aging? Sure looks like it to me. Should I send them a copy of this or wait it out? What would ya'll do? Sorry for the lengthy post. As always, grateful for the advice.
Also, forgot to ask, I have several accts that have 120+ days late in the status area and these are long closed accounts. How can that be and does it effect my FICO? Sorry for so many questions. Thanks for any advice.
in 1996. Debt Rec. is showing it as May 2002. Isn't that re-aging? Sure looks like it to me *************** GET THE BASICS HERE. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=410243#post410243 ***************** >Should have come off last year
Sorry. I guess I didn't make myself very clear. It was late when I posted. Anyway, I've been reading so much on here that I guess I'm going into mind overload. Most of my accts are collections and chargeoffs and most of them state 120+ days past due. I didn't think that was possible. I thought I read somewhere that it was a violation. I must be wrong. Thanks for clearing it up.
lbrown59, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my post. Okay, I think my confusion is coming in because I have three CAs that are collection acct that are showing as open tradelines. Those are the main ones I'm concerned about b/c they are showing 120+ days past due and so it seems to me that they are more harmful to my credit. Is this correct?