I just found out that my Equifax file is split. It's giving out two different beacon scores and everything. Here's the story....I am looking to buy/lease a new car. The only thing is my File looks "thin" b/c all of my CC's and etc aren't showing up. The good thing is... the BIG FAT CO isn't showing up (3K). GET THIS... It says my Beaon is a 756. All that is on the report is Two student loans(still in deferment) and My Dillards card from 95. I was wondering what should I do? Should I try to get this fixed or wait it out? Also.. should I try to go ahead an apply for Citi or (any suggestions on who to apply for) since the CO isn't showing up? Thanks in Advance
Careful! My TU report was split. The report I got online showed all my good accounts and the other file had all my bad ones. I found out about the second file when I got the "results" of an nvestigation and there were two files. One the first file there was a hard inquiry from someone I applied with and on the second file there was a soft inquiry from them. They get both CR's (creditor's that is)
Lending Tree and Citibank. Both files had my maiden name but the second file didn't have my married name. I was denied for reasons that could only come from my second file (delinquencies etc). TU rep. said that a creditor will see both files, but ONLINE *I* would only see one. I told them to combine it and they did, but when they did a few delinquents went away. This was a long time ago, and once in a while it happens again.
Yes, my names are different. This seems to be when it split (after I got married). KHM ... as for all creditors getting both files. When I went I went to get a car loan. The company ONLY got my married file. How I know is... the BIG FAT CO wasn't listed NOR did they know about it. The only person who got both files and told me about this was the loan officer when I applied for my morgate. NOW.. when I try to get my file.. I have to go through the sending the proof of residence BS! I'm waiting to do that b/c I just moved and I'm having to wait for a copy of my updated utility bill and etc.
MartysGirl, Just about the exact same thing happened to me. I applied for a loan with my CU, that's when I found out that I had two files. When she showed me the report, one had my married name at the top, the other my maiden name. But she would have known to look under my maiden name also because that was my name when I opened the account.