What a load of garbage!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by KHM, Jul 29, 2002.

  1. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Hubby has ONE derog left on his EQU report. A CA from 6/98 for $119. I didn't want to go validation route for such a small amount, plus knew what the bill was for. So I had him call and play stupid. The CA says there are THREE accounts with them $24, $119, $198. ALL FROM 1998. Hubby says "well one of those MAY be right, but definately not all 3" (same OC). He then asks her to mail something saying the acct #'s, who the doctor was that requested the blood work (it's an independent blood company that hubby went to ONCE). CA lady says "we dont have that info, only the amounts and dates. Besdides our computer won't let us print anything else out on this account, cause it's so old" (EVER HEARD OF THE PRINT BUTTON???) He asks her for it to be deleted, she said "nope stays on for 7 years".

    Well what the woman didn't know is we were going to pay one of them, now, NO WAY. They are all from the same month in 98, and it's NOT the month he was hospitalized (4 mos. later). Sending out a validation tomorrow.

    Newbies, THIS is why we validate. I almost paid a bill that might not be mine (or hubbys). I DESERVE proof of where this bill originated and as far as I am concerned if they can't come up with it they have NO RIGHT collecting on it.
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Nice work!
  3. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't pay them a dime. Validate and start to count your money from the dozens of violations they are going to ring up!

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