what are my chances

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by winter78, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. winter78

    winter78 Well-Known Member

    I have a judgement against me from citibank but it is being stayed right now until the 27th. I was offered a settlement amount but I won't have the money in time before the judgement is entered and put on my credit report. I will have the money after the judgement is entered and will be able to pay it. So even after the judgement is entered, if I pay it right away is my credit still ruined? I hope that I am making sense.
  2. credit6949

    credit6949 Well-Known Member

    Can you negotiate an extension on the stay order date?
  3. winter78

    winter78 Well-Known Member

    I already did. I thought that the money would be ready by then but now I probably won't have it until another 2 weeks. I will have the money guaranteed i just need more time and I don't know if they will give it to me.
  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Maybe you can make a "partial good faith" payment before hand in order to get them to delay filing.


    Make sure to get everything in writing
  5. winter78

    winter78 Well-Known Member

    They already filed. The judgemen has already been entered it is just being stayed right now until the 27th but I won't have the money until after. The settlement amount is for 952.00 but if I don't pay by the 27th I will have to pay $1600.00. I will try to work something out with them.
  6. TradeWiz50

    TradeWiz50 Well-Known Member

    If they have the judgment already and you don't come up with settlement amount, your credit will considerably damaged.
  7. winter78

    winter78 Well-Known Member

    the only thing I can do now is just try to work out something with the lawyers who are handling this case and tell them when I can have the money to them. I hope that works. I already have one judgement on my report for about 100 dollards but I don't want another one

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