What Are My Options For Dealing With A Garnishment?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Sirrah, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. Sirrah

    Sirrah New Member

    I was notified by my employer that a company (First Resolution Investment Corp) had submitted to have a garnishment placed on my wages, but because of an order of child support, they will be unable to collect because I don't have enough in disposable income. Right now the collection is being handled by the law firm that took the case to court. Unfortunately for me, I had moved and I was never notified of either the court date (March of '04) or the judgment, and the garnishment was submitted to my employer in March '07 (Since I've been with the same company since '01, I can't understand why it tool 3 years to send the paperwork to them). The principal balance is about $3400, with a total balance of a little over $11,000 (interest & court costs included).

    What can I do to get this taken care of, without having my wages garnished? I attempted to call the law firm to set up an arrangement, but they want a monthly payment of more than I can afford (the monthly interest is about $70). What options do I have for negotiating a settlement on this, and who should I be talking with, the law firm, First Resolution, or the original debt holder?

    I would appreciate ANY good advice I can get!
  2. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I have no legal experience so I'm bumping your post up to the top so maybye someone who knows about this can help.

  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    At this point, it is probably best to speak with an attorney who specializes in these matters. You will have to investigate all the legal technicalties to find a hole in their case.

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