What are YOUR credit goals?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DHK, Aug 18, 2002.

  1. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member

    To have adequate credit lines to expand our business!


    2nd goal - to pay off all of the new credit lines used for the business expansion within 6 months.

  2. freddiemil

    freddiemil Well-Known Member

    No more thin white letters.
  3. Godes

    Godes Active Member

    my crdit goad is to set a budget that will have every thing on my credit report paid off in the next 3 years.


    how many point do you gain monthly on you credit ratings. what do you ahve to add to get like 200 points.
  4. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member

    Whenever I get out my "credit" binder my hubby asks the same question. My goals:

    To look at the "big 3" and see my name spelled right, my address correct, to see every account reported and updated correctly. To see that I haven't lost a year of my life due to an incorrect birthday. I want; no I demand perfection.

    To not have to pull my reports once a week to see what has changed, to know that only positive reporting is happening.

    To pay off all my debts, only 4 cards to go. 18 months and counting.

    To use my credit wisely, charge only what I can pay back in a month.

    Only apply for want I need, not what I want. I want to say no to "apply today and get 10% off" card not because I'm afraid of the rejection, but because I can just say NO.
  5. lynn112

    lynn112 Well-Known Member

    My goals are:

    1)clean up reports keep them that way.
    2)Get into the 700's & stay there..
    (I can dream,right?..lol)
    3)5yrs from now, purchase a business.
    4)keeping out of debt no matter what......
  6. Niner849

    Niner849 Well-Known Member

    To clean up both my CR as well as hubby's to hopefully buy a house within the next 2 years.

  7. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Goodluck Niner.
  8. tessmcgill

    tessmcgill Well-Known Member

    A Business Banking Relationship

    As a small business owner, I travel a lot and needed a T&E/business purchase card. As it stands, because of my low FICO, I had to get a subprime debit/purchase card for hotels, etc. The fees are outrageous. There has to be some middle ground here. Past credit mistakes should not brand you with a red D (deadbeat) on your forehead. As long as you can prove you are currently financially stable, you should not be ostracized. I try to study this forum regularly, and am trying some things I've learned here.

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