I have been looking at this & I must say it's impressive. It's free & allows access to your entire portfolio. On the other hand it is scary too. Get hacked into that and you've got trouble! I have been looking for a financial organizer & I don't have Excel skills or have Quicken or Money. Thoughts? All opinions welcome! Tegleg
First, nothing is free! Your "cost" will be getting sales calls, mailings and e-mails from all the "sponsors" you see on the site. And they most likely will try to charge you for some services at some point. I personally recommend using Excel spreadhseets, but if you are not comfortable setting them up, then Quicken or Money are good tools for personal finance, and you can find them on sale often at office supply stores (especially around tax time!). If you are concerned about on-line security, I would not worry too much about that, most of these sites are very secure. What they do want is the "sales lead" info on you! For you, the best suggestion I can make for tracking your finances is the "Dome Home Bookkeeping" book. It's about $5, and yes, it's paper and pencil, but it is great for setting up budgets, has tax savings ideas, places for tracking credit cards, etc. I used them for years, and still think they're the best value. Again, look in Staples or Office Depot, and they're available on line, just Google for "Dome bookkeeping supplies", and you'll find great prices. The other advantage of using the "Dome" records is that it is a great learning tool for going to financial software. Also, take a look at the websites of www.bankrate.com, and www.about.com/finance, they also have some great spreadsheets you can download and tailor to your needs.
Thank you! I knew there had to be some kind of "catch" to it. I will check out the others you mentioned also. I may just decide to purchase Quicken, alot of people seem to say it is "user friendly". I am quite partial to paper & pencil, have been using that exclusivly for over 4 years. Thanks! Tegleg