Hi, I really have a problem. First Bank USA claims I am delinquent on a credit card I have never had. I have only had three credit cards in my life, and I never had one with them. In 2000 they claim I was late 17 times 90 days or more. It was on all 3 credit reports. I got the reports on January 8, 2002. I should add that I got into financial trouble in 1992, but that was ten years ago. I asked all three credit bureaus to re-verify this. It came back as deleted on Esperian, confirmed on Trans Union (TU), and even worse, it came back on Equifax (EQ) that I declared chapter 7 bankruptcy and the debt was valid. I have never declared bankruptcy. I asked both TU and EQ to check again. The debt and bankruptcy was removed from my EQ report, but the debt came back as confirmed with TU. In addition, I sent two certified letters to First Bank USA, one was received on January 16 and the second on February 11. I never got a response. I have also called them twice. I have contact the Attorney General's office in my state in Massachusetts and I have also contacted the FTC and complained. But I am right now screwed. I need to buy a new truck, and because of this on-going problem, I can't. I guess I have to go to the expense of getting a lawyer. Does any one have a suggestion of what else I can do?
First USA's main office is in Wilmington, De. - their correspondence dept is there as well (And sad to say, they're a month behind). I wish I knew of a direct # there, you could try the main number (800) 955-9900 and ask what office they're located in (It goes randomly each time). If you get a rep in Delaware, then maybe they would know of someone to refer you to. At worst they'll at least have a fax number. GT
You need to have a "fraud alert" put on all 3 CRA's.When you filed your complaints did you complain about TU not removing erroneous information? If not, ammend your complaints,make sure you use the existing file#'s. Send copy of your amended complaints to TU.That will work.
Today is your lucky day!!! Now there is case law to support a lawsuit against First USA <big smile> ala the post by dogman re Nelson v. Chase Manhattan. Maybe First USA can buy your truck for you...although it may take a year or two. I know this is frustrating and don't make light of it..just trying to make you smile L
Check out the post about Courts... bkonner - seems like a casual letter sent registered recipt to USA - about suing them because they wilfully have not responded - might well work. arrff - dogman
Whyspers --- LOL! Hi W - I answered and just saw your post now. THX - this law can conceivably "TEST" a variety of situations. best regards - dogman