what can I expect with 600 FICO?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jmurrell80, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. jmurrell80

    jmurrell80 Member

    Hi all
    thanks for any info in advance. I just pulled my experian report- I'm right at 600. I have two low limit c.c. with high balances which I know much be messing with my score... what might I expect if I drop my credit utilization down to 15% (which I've been told is optimal) if it's at about 80% now. Will any other c.c. companies and/or auto dealerships touch me after I get that util. down thus increasing my score, or stay right at or around 600? Thanks

  2. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    If I max out all my credit limits I have about a 595 score. If I have them all paid off my score was 768
  3. jmurrell80

    jmurrell80 Member

    WOW- big difference chop! Thanks for the info- but does the actual credit line (amount of available credit) make a difference in that score? I have a crap one card for $300, and an Orchard for $700- would that make a difference- it'd be awesome to see that big of a jump in my score if I paid my cards down.

  4. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    If you have charged $300 to Capital One then never carry a balance of more than $149 on the card. Same with Orchard. If your limit is $700 then never carry a balance of more than $349. This will adversely affect your score.

    Lenders do not want to see more than a 49% balance on any credit card of what the credit limit is.

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