I know there are quite a few Target Visa pros out there I need your help. I got the card in August before I activated it I got the APR lowered from 15.9-12.9. I haven't called since. I have used the card EVERY month (gas groceries etc), paying off the first 4 months, last 2 months I have paid $100 a week, while charging about $25-50 a week (depending if both cars need gas). I owe $250 and the limit is $700. What can I get here? Higher limit, lower APR?
CALL THE TOLL FREE NUMBER ON THE BACK OF THE CARD (INTEREST RATE) 9.90% IS THE BEST... They say they do "AUTOMATIC" limit increases...100% of the people here have NEVER got the so-called "AUTOMATIC" increase!!! You would think think that ONE PERSON would have got the SO-CALLED "AUTOMATIC" INCREASE!!! DON'T BOTHER ASKING FOR A LIMIT INCREASE!!!