Try Bank of America. Many have said they have good customer service and are relatively easy on approval. I wouldn't go with Captial One because you'll get pulled from all 3 and end up with a less than desirable credit line. Good luck!
Bank of America usually pulls Trans Union but they are a good bank. I got approved not long ago. Good luck!
Ohh... I forgot to add that I was approved for a B of A card. I had to PFB them though. Anyway... anymore suggestions?????
Target Visa (Retailers National Bank) pulled Eq. for me. Kmart Cap. 1 MC but they will probably pull at least one other report as well. I applied for Am Ex and they pulled Eq. I think MBNA pulls TU and so does Generations. Umbrella Bank uses Ex. Thats all I can think of right now.
Soup.... I put a post up for you today! Tell me what your LOC is on the Target and Best Buy. Thank You Doll
Sorry, didn't see $ buy $3500..gotta $1000 extra over the phone the same day, initially it was $2500
Juniper pulls EQ too, but from what I've read here and from applying and getting denied, I think they're hard to get. Also Direct Merchants Bank pulled EQ.