to raise my score? Here's what I have: car loan open 1x's 60 days late bal $17000 late 12/00 (only late on EX) car loan closed never late 31 mos. reviewed Visa open never late $1750 limit 18 mos reviewed owe $850 Visa open never late $500 limit 3 mos. reviewed owe $420 Student loan never late 22 mos reviewed $550 bal. Jewlery retail CLOSED 1x's 60 days late (96) reviewed 14 mos. Fasion Bug CLOSED never late reviewed 24 mos. Cap One R5 rating settled reviewed 14 mos. Overdraft never late OPEN $500 limit $0 bal. reviewed 37 mos. Speigel OPEN never used 0 bal. reviewed 14 mos. I have 12 inquiries left on TU I think 3 from pat 3 months I have 25 on EX (7 under inv)6 last 6 months A billion on EQ but we all know they will stay on there. My scores are EXP 587, TU 580 ( as of 10/16 but since I've had 48 inquiries removed, and 2 charge offs removed, they also took off my car loan and student loan) and EQU as of 11/16 568. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!! Kellie
Stop worrying about the inquiries so much. I gotta believe most of them are soft promotional, AR, or internal inquiries because you say you have 25 on Ex. Work on the accounts I left above...get the balances paid down on your cards (especially the low limit/high interest ones) work on lowering your debt to limit ratios. Dispute the late payments on the accounts that show them and hope they don't completely delete them (they did that with a couple of mine - especially TU) but the late payements, R5 and high balances are what is hurting your scores. Get a retail account or two more...(you have 2 closed ones and only one open one)...I think 2 or 3 is optimal and I got that as a reason for my low score when I finally deleted all my negative accounts. Lastly work on getting prime cards with higher limits that report, and as you get prime cards dump your subprime (except if it is ypour oldest trade). Keep new accounts open though for a year or more (if you can 2) for best results...cancelling new cards does seem to have negative effects until about 2 years. During your disputes you could still work on inquiries (deleting from newest to oldest) but I would work on the stuff that hurts your score most first. -Peace, Dave
Sorry I should have been more clear. The cap one R5 rating I begged for, it WAS an R9 and after I got the R5 (almost 2 motnhs ago) I disputed as not mine and it came back as R9. The Honda I have disputed EVERYTIME I get the reults back from EXP as never late. The jewelry acct I have been disputing forever and it always comes back verified. The EX inquiries are actually inquiries not PRM. I got a computer a year ago and went apply happy. Thanks for the help though I will keep trying with EXP and the car. Kellie
Don't get frustrated...(although it IS hard) I believe it is a crap shoot as to whether they delete or not. I had VERIFIABLE erroneously reported accounts that came back verified 5 or 6 times before they finally deleted them. They DID NOT get information from the CA or creditor that reported the information that was on my report because they COULD NOT HAVE gotten it....I knew they were simply stating they were verifying and never really sending a verification letter out. Send a demand letter to the CRA's, after you get a verification, demanding proof of the verification information...demand to know who they spoke to/wrote to, demand to see a document with your SS# or signature on the account, demand to see exact dates owed/signed up for the account etc (see the letter section in the CreditNet FAQ area). Then threaten to sue once you do not get that information, or once you get the shabby proof they provide. ...In the mean time, keep disputing, switch from Online to Snail Mail to Fax - disputes. Don't dispute a verified account right back at them...wait a calendar month or so between re-disputing. I have gotten several accounts corrected after repeated attempts to remove or update erroneous info. It can happen. -Peace, Dave