My ex-husband has been getting collection calls from a hospital bill that I had in July, 2001. They continuously call him, threatening to sue and garnish his wages for this account. We were seperated at the time, but his insurance still covered me. He signed no paperwork agreeing to be liable for this bill. We divorced in 2003 and I re-married then. I have gotten the contact information from him regarding this account, but they will not speak to me, because I'm not his wife, or him. The SOL for this collection is up, both in Texas (where it orginated) and Louisiana (where we both live). What would be my first move here? To send a validation letter in his name, or a cease and desist letter, stating that the SOL is up for this account and any further threats or harrassment will end in a lawsuit? (He wouldnt sue them, but hey, if they can use this scare tatic, why cant I?) He is really getting mad about this and even though we dont communicate much, this always comes up. He is afraid of being sued and his wages garnished. Any help would be great! Thanks!
If it were me, since the debt originated in a community property state, and you say it is SOL, (I'm not sure about medical debts) you BOTH should send C & D letters.
Texas probably has a Doctrine of Necessaries provision on the books which is why they're calling him rather than you. However, Jlynn is correct in that you should tell them to piss off since it's time barred and insofar as you're in Texas.