what happen to orchard?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by acegirl, Feb 12, 2005.

  1. acegirl

    acegirl Well-Known Member

    i have been trying for days to apply for a orchard bank cc and the website is down. Does anyone know anything. Also is there any other cc out there for really bad credit and can be approved via website?
  2. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    If the website is down you can apply by phone too. I've noticed the website doesn't always work with AOL. Try another browser.
  3. acegirl

    acegirl Well-Known Member

    does anyone know the phone number so i can call and apply via phone?
  4. gingernyc

    gingernyc Active Member

    Orchard is owned by Household Bank.

    If you do a search for Household Bank you'll find them.
  5. Mary1NYS

    Mary1NYS Active Member

    Try the website again. I pay my credit card bill online on thay site every month. For some reason, when I go to Orchardbank.com the past few months I have to hit the refresh button for it to come up. Try that.

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