looks like KeenerNeenerNeener got them. Course I dont read it anymore, they "banned" me because I was too powerful. So I say, no great loss. Besides CNet has the Butch man, what else do you need?
Nobody got to us. We have had a HARDWARE failure. Its going to take an unknown amount of time to get the part, and get the board up and running again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience guys. X - you haven't been banned in a very long time, and if you would like to discuss in depth the whys, please email me at humbum617@hotmail.com. I would be happy to clear the air.
Re: Re: What happened to AoC? When does a psychological pause become a full blown nervous breakdown? We miss all you guys too!
Re: Re: What happened to AoC? I would say if it gets to the point where you set your hair on fire and go running naked down the highway. <insert smiley here....not sure where they hide them on this board >
Re: Re: Re: What happened to AoC? Oh dear, I got a visual of that. It wasn't pretty. OMG I'm showing my age. I remember when I was the test dummy when they upgraded this board. 2003 I think. Mean old CCNSteve wouldn't let us have emoticons. I wonder if he is even around anymore?
Re: Re: Re: What happened to AoC? He's still listed as moderator, but I never see him post. This is terrible. I've had to resort to doing homework!!!
What hardware do you need? Both you andth operatorsof creditnet have provided me a forum to find information that has proved invaluable to me. If I have something handy that you need to get the site back up, I'd be happy to send it to you.
Thanks Jeff, now mind you, I know how to turn on a computer and type in the credit forums oh yeah, and I can send email. So if I say something stupid you will forgive me. (By the way, they want let me play with the buttons at AOC LOL). We are hosted, not on our own servers. So, we have no control of repairs, we just get to sit and watch and wait, like everyone else. Of course its fun watching Hedwig run out of excuses to do her homework My momma always made me do homework before fun!
So it's the Host's server that has gone belly up. If they are hosting other sites, you can be sure they have a lot of p*ssed off clients. Don't know if AOC has a contract with them, but you could move to another host....Does anyone have a backup copy of the site?
I've always said when there's a will, there's a way. Here, I see plenty of ways, but ... anything else is pure speculation on my part.
Jeff, I do want to thank you again in public. The outpouring of offers to help has been incredible! Creditboards has offered to host us, plus numerous individuals have offered their services as well! It has always amazed me the capacity that humans have to help each other in times of tragedy. Although AOC's hardware issues are by absolutely no definition a tragedy of human suffering proportions, and really are only a nuisance, once again, people have shown the meaning of give until it hurts. Love you guys!!
I have a domain name I purchased to set up an online store. I haven't had the time to use it yet. It's on Bravenet. Is this something you could use either temorarily (or permanently)?