Am I nuts? Ok, probably. But I knew this Fleet/BOFA merger was gonna screw me somehow. Lo and Behold, my statement was sent to the wrong address. I called the BOFA people to have the late charges reversed, which took an act of God. So she says that I was lucky that I wasn't reported. I said, my payment was due on the 22nd, I'm making it today, 3 days late. She said in the 'credit card world', 30 days late is the first day after your due date. Is this true? By this logic, I am already 15 days late when my statement arrives in the mail. ???
no your not 15 days late. you are not late until after the due date. and yes, come credit companies will report you if you are 1 day late. legally right? no but we all know that OC's don't understand simple laws.
"30 days late is the first day after your due date." Trust me, this moron doesn't know what they're talking about. In fact, you'd be surprised how little a large number of customer reps know about credit reporting. Your credit report will be marked 30 days late ONLY if you don't make the minimum payment within 30 days after the due date. So if your payment due date is the 22nd of this month. Although you will be charged a late payment fee, they can't put a late mark on your credit until 30 days later. Alex Free Credit Repair: