On 2 other posts here, Raiderpam and Imckensie mentioned that they got "better than anyone else can get" pricing on General Motors vehicles. They used a gms discount. A certificate may have been mentioned when they bragged about this. My wife needs a new car next year and I would like to know what this discount is and who is eligible for it. Is it an employee discount? I asked Raiderpam directly about it and got no answer. Perhaps Raiderpam did not see my ? Can anyone help? Thank you
King- Yes it is an employee discount, however if you know someone that would be willing to let you use the discount then you can get it, I got mine through a friend of mine you know someone, that knew someone, that knew someone else.....you get the point. Anyway the person that I got my discount through charged me $700.00 for it, which was cool to save $6000.00.
GMS is the best pricing available. GMS is the GM employee discount on "in stock" cars. GMO is the GM employee discount on a "made to order" car. You have to be an immediate family member of a GM employee or get someone willing to say you are. The benefit of the discount varies on the model. I am not too up on GM (I am a Ford and Chrysler kid) but if the program is similar you end up with below invoice costs as dealer holdback, advertising fees, etc. are stripped away from the price. Here is the GM incentive program website. http://gmfamilysavings.com/employee/discount/
Thanks guys. You have really helped me as my father-in-law is a retired Hughes Aircraft employee. This was a wholly owned subsidiary of GM. I want to see if his daughter aka my wife is eligible for the gms discount. What a deal imckensie and CONGRATS.
Hi King Im sorry I did not see your post, Im glad you got your anwser. I have been very busy the last few days and havent been on as much.My husband has a lot of family that works for gm, thats who he got the certificate from, good luck I hope your able to get one.