What is acceptable debt validation?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by emandel, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. emandel

    emandel New Member

    Did step 1 of 1-2 punch. CA replied back with a simple note stating the amount of the debt, and what was paid. The amount is definitely wrong. Shows zero balance. They provided nothing I requested. I have sent punch two out already.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Is there anything to indicate this information was obtained from the original creditor in response to your dispute, as opposed to just sending what their files already showed?

    Did they provide any information on the original account:
    1) The original creditor
    2) The original creditor's account number
    3) The date of last payment
    4) The amount originally due, the amount now due, and an accounting for any fees added.

    Was your dispute sent in response to a dunning letter from them, or in response to seeing their TL on your reports?

    If they sent you a dunning letter, was this the first letter you received, did it contain notice to you of your right to dispute, and that they would obtain and send you the name of the original creditor and the amount if you requested? If you sent your dispute in response to such an initial letter, was it sent within 30 days of your receiving it?

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