Its going to be tough to do because judgments are a matter of public record that anybody can access. If I had a judgment I wouldn't even try to get it removed until I had done something to get the underlying judgment vacated. I'm sure others will disagree with me and that is fine too. Maybe they have other methods that will work more quickly and if so then I'll learn too.
My Private Message was from......... NOT exactly what I was looking for..........
Sometimes, I really hate new technology ........... I found out from a friend that works at our local courthouse that Judgments are more difficult to get deleted because now they are putting EVERYTHING on the computers, so they don't have to pull files from the records department to confirm a judgment.............THAT just totally SUCKS !
Well, not TOTALLY. (LOL) Just partially. After all, it saves taxpayer money because it saves time. So the courts and the taxpayers are TOTALLY for it. On the other hand, from the contrarian standpoint it sucks badly.