I received a letter in the mail the other day from credicorp saying that I was pre-approved for a credit limit of up to 10,000. I have never heard of them and was wondering if this is a ligitimate company. In the letter, I am instucted to send 29.95 in for an annual fee first and then I will receive the card. Please help me before I make a large mistake.
Credicorp is a catlog company. As far as I know their credit is only good for purchases of their price inflated items. http://www.creditsense.com
wendy wrote: ------------------------------- I received a letter in the mail the other day from credicorp saying that I was pre-approved for a credit limit of up to 10,000. I have never heard of them and was wondering if this is a ligitimate company. In the letter, I am instucted to send 29.95 in for an annual fee first and then I will receive the card. Please help me before I make a large mistake.
From what I've read here in the past few months about them, they're a mail-order catalog place that has, as another replier mentioned, very high prices. They also don't exactly let you pay entirely on credit, from what I understand - they require a sizeable 'down payment' with the balance going on your account. The card is made of paper, it's not even plastic. I'd steer clear of them, myself. Cliff PS No, they don't have a web site
Credicorp is a mail-order corp. You can only order from their catalog and when you do you must pay the shipping and handling charges right off the bat. They have over-inflated prices as well.
Thanks for your info. It really helped me, too. I knew nothing of this company and decided to get some help. thanks again!