What is my next step? <Long, sorry>

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by txstep, Jan 21, 2002.

  1. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    Here is the timeline...

    October - Got letter from Credit Mangement Inc in Carrollton, TX stating I owe around $800 for AT&T Cable Bill (includes unreturned equipment and service charges.)

    10/25/01 - Sent validation letter to CMI requesting evidence that I owe the debt. Requested copy of contract, all statements from the time the account was open, and agreement between CMI & AT&T.

    11/01/01 - Received letter from CMI stating that they are investigating and have put the account on hold for 3 weeks.

    12/18/01 - Received letter from CMI stating that AT&T researched their records and determined that I continue to owe $193.38. (I assume they took off the charges for the equipment, but the letter says nothing about how they determined this number.)

    12/28/01 - Sent letter to CMI saying I received 12/18 letter and want proof that I owe the debt. Requested copy of entire account history with AT&T.

    12/31/01 - Green card signed by CMI.

    01/08/02 - Letter from CMI demanding payment for $193.38 and informing me that they have already placed this on my credit report.

    So what do I do next? They are obviously ignoring my request for the account history. I spoke on the phone with an AT&T rep (who called me in November) and she agreed to mail me the history, but I never got anything. I really want the account history because I know AT&T double-charged me.

    I can't dispute with CRA right now because I have other disputes going on. Any advice on what to do now? <SORRY SO LONG>
  2. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    Is this still the case even though I did not send the first cerification letter within 30 days of when they say they mailed the first letter (which I never got)?
  3. Terry

    Terry Well-Known Member


    You got 'em! If the didn't validate the debt ie show you competenet proof that you owe the debt, and placed it on your credit report you got em.

    Read the FCRA, just because you didn't respond in the initial 30 days, you don't forefit any rights, make sure you cite that in your letter.

    I agree wtih the previous post, make sure you send a certified letter, strongly worded. I will do you one better, cc the FTC, and your state Attorney General.

    It seems like you have a pretty good audit trail. If it doesn't yeild results, go to your local magistrate and file a complaint for violations of the FCRA.
  4. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    OK Thanks guys (and gals)!

    I will draft a letter today and will post the outcome later.
  5. cnswift

    cnswift Well-Known Member

    Sue them. Don't try to work it out with a manager, it won't work. Just sue them now and get it over with.

    I spent four months trying to get a collection account CMI placed deleted from my credit report. The account was mistakenly placed in collection by a cable company. I never had an account with this cable company--the apartments screwed up someone elses paperwork. The cable company knew it, I knew it, the apartments knew it, the collection agency knew it after I FAXed them the documentation.

    They sent me the wrong (Paid in full vs. Deleton) letter _four_ times. They hung up on me 4 times. They changed their story as to whether they had recieved my documenation a whopping _8_ times. They _verified_ the account to the CRA's twice. One of their phone reps said to me, "Well, what do you expect--we DO NOT delete items from credit reports for any reason." All of this over a FOUR MONTH period where the collection account stayed on the report.

    I should have just sued them up front. It took a call from the Texas State Attorney General's office on my behalf to fix things. After that, I got my own personal representative to speak to (and a direct phone number) until the situation was resolved. God I wish I'd sued them. Back then I was too nice, and too scared of going to court and possibly losing to actually sue. The only good thing I have to say about these people is that now, I don't play games. You screw with me, you're gonna get sued.
  6. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    I am also disputing with CMI over a false cable collection account. So far, they haven't responded to any of my letters. I'm drafting the final one now, and 16 days from today I will file suit. Please let us know what happens in your case.
  7. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    Well geez - I sent them a validation letter from 5/99 - I sent it from Dallas on 1/12 and they didn't sign for it until the 21st. Sucks knowing I have to wait 27 more days.

    Wish you luck txstep - because of them I no longer do business with AT&T or TCI...period!

  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You have them on 2 violations here.
    A/ the letter demanding payment from you.
    B/Reporting it to the CRAs.
  9. txstep

    txstep Well-Known Member

    1/23 I sent a CRRR to CMI informing them that I am aware of their violations and seeing as they cannot validate the debt they must remove it. I also wrote a letter to the FTC and AG and sent them a copy of the letter.

    I will post to let everyone know the outcome.

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