Not really relevant to much, but I thought that some of you might like this. It was written by a guy named Peter Ferrara (an assistant professor at the George Mason University School of Law). An American is English, French, Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, Iranian, Asian, Arab, Pakistani, or Afghan. An American may also be a Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans. An American is Christian, or he could be Jewish, Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan. The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses. An American is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God. An American is from the most prosperous land in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes the God given right of each man and woman to the pursuit of happiness. An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need. When Afghanistan was overrun by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country. As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan. The best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best athletes. Americans welcome the best, but they also welcome the least. The national symbol of America welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America. Some of them were working in the Twin Towers in the morning of September 11, earning a better life for their families. [I've been told that the people in the Towers were from at least 30, and maybe many more, other countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.] So you can try to kill an American if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and every bloodthirsty tyrant in the history of the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American. So look around you. You may find more Americans in your land than you thought were there. One day they will rise up and overthrow the old, ignorant, tired tyrants that trouble too many lands. Then those lands, too, will join the community of free and prosperous nations. And America will welcome them! Pass this around the World! GOD BLESS OUR WONDERFUL NATION
One day the rest of the world will understand what America and Americans are all about. It is too bad they don't see it now, but they will. The Iraqis will understand in a few more days.
Oh, I think they're starting to get the point already, islandboy. But just for my own personal edification, though, what exactly are "America and Americans" all about, if you don't mind sharing? wajaba
Being and American and what America stands for is a matter of interpretation. This is what is so great about this country. We get to choose what we stand for and what this country stands for without regard to your religion, your race or your sex. Of course many people will disagree with me, but this will make my point. Unfortunately there are too many countries out there that do not get to choose. And if you believe or not, the people of the all those oppressed countries want their country's to be like the US. One thing that is important for Americans to see and agree on is that this is the Freest and Greatest Nation in history. I know there will be many of you that will argue this, but if you don't believe this then please tell where I am wrong. No matter what you think of America and Americans everyone in this world wishes they had our freedoms and our oppurtunities. The freedoms and liberty that this nation has needs to fought for and never forgotten. The way we fight for them can and will be argued and our ability to argue and disagree amongst ourselves and with our government on how to do this is proof of the freedoms and liberty we need to fight for. Imagine what it would be like for the Cubans, the Chinese, the Iranians or the North Koreans to be able to protest their government and call their leaders murders without being murdered or imprisoned. It would be kind of like being an American. More proof is all around us if you look for it. And most of time it is right in front of your nose.
I absolutely couldn't agree more. People get so caught up in politics, religion, etc. that they forget to step back and realize how incredible it is that we have the right to argue about all of that. America never will be perfect, but there is no where else I would rather live than here. "America is great because she is good."
All the things you said you can do/be in America you can also be in all of Western fact, there you can do and be even more!
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... So what? They tax us to death here and we don't even have universal health care or free university.
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... fingrrrl-- no, I think you miss the point. You're correct in that people of all nationalities can live in Western Europe. You're also correct that they enjoy all the freedoms that they do, and then some. Having lived 6+ years in France I can tell you that the goodness that defines the people of America is something that doesn't exist in Europe on a national scale. America cares. America helps. I'm actually sort of shocked I'm thinking this way, but honestly, love America or leave it. If you think life is better in Europe, then by all means, I'm sure you'll find some volunteers who are happy to pack your bags for you. I'm not saying that you've gotta agree w/the government or support everything our country does, but for crying out loud, thousands of men lost their lives in the process of liberating themselves from England. They believed in liberty. They fought for it. Europe never did. This is what seperates the USA from the rest of the western world. As an unrelated side question, isn't the Declaration of Independance an incredible document? I honestly get choked up whenever I read it.
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... Europe never did? Oh ok, let us tarnish the lives given and lost in the French Revolution, the English Revolution, the Russian Revolution (at least those peasants who thought they were fighting for a better life) all the revolutions in the 19th century, all across Europe. Obviously you know nothing about history! Yeah so those 'American' men fought the British for liberty back in 1776-1781...then why is our current government so anxious to take those liberties away? Anyone who agrees with today's government is a traitor to the men who died for our freedoms!! By the way, I still have more freedoms in Europe, whether or not they were fought for...and also, I love this country, not the actual country, basically the idea of it, and it pisses me off that those ideas are dying and that you can still have more freedoms in maybe I'll go to Europe, but why not have those freedoms here since all I hear is what a great country this is?
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... By the way, Americans don't care and don't help. Yeah, the give millions when people died on 9/11, but tell me how many of those are going to personally donate to Iraqi families that we're destroying right now? Nothing! Americans only care about other Americans. So maybe our government gives money to other countries...we always expect something in return! Tell me how many Americans personally donate their time and money. Not so much. Maybe European governments don't give so much of their money but I can tell you there are tons more people who personally donate their time and money. I'm sorry, but the world sees Americans as arrogant and the whole world wrong and we're right? PULEEZE!!
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... fingrrrl having been in the military and on my own in europe eastern and western I know what you are saying believe me. Don't worry about those who could never understand a global view point. some people will never leave mayberry LOL.
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... fingrrrl maybe I'll go to Europe, ....why, yes you should, if you are so dissatisfied with life in America. I get the feeling there are a lot of Europeans that would be happy to trade places with you.
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... finegrrrl: Ok, well, after you go f*ck yourself, take some time to read this... First of all, the entire world does NOT believe the US is arrogant. You, and people like you are the exact reason that Americans think that, though. It's people like you who bash everything about this country that are the problem, not everyone else who is "arrogant." I'll definitely give you that Americans speak English poorly, and are often inarticulate, as well as the fact that we have an embarrassing "knowledge" of history and geography. I've lived in 6 DIFFERENT countries for at least 2 years each, and 3 others for over 4 years each. During that time, I lived with relatives who were natives of those respective cultures spanning from Southern India, across the globe, all the way back around to South Africa. As an American, I was always greeted warmly and was often asked if America was all that it was meant to sound like. Twice did I meet people who thought the US to be arrogant and selfish, etc...the first guy was French, the second, Quebecois. willgator, wow, military service? Guess what? Living on a US base does not make you an expert. You live in essentially a US city. In Italy for example, there isn't even legitimate Italian food available on base. Don't go assuming that just because you deem yourself a travel expert that no one else is more qualified. By the way, the French, as were the Russian and English Revolutions, paled in comparison to the American Revolution. In France, most of the fighting was done in the provinces, in isolated towns, far away from Paris. Tax collectors were killed, and the storming of the Bastille was little more than a sh*t fit gone wrong (or right, depending on perspective). Furthermore, it wasn't until the French united as the largest population in Europe did they get their merde together and make some progress. ...we did it with far fewer people, and lost many more lives, fighting against a much stronger power. No, I'm not trying to trivialize those lives lost, but the truth of the matter is that no other people have risked so much in the name of freedom.
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... really are such a nice American to tell me to go and f*ck just proved what I said. Thanks.
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... God, you'd think you're the only one who's ever lived outside of the the way, I don't know any Europeans who want to trade places with me...not other countries, maybe, but not Europeans...
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... I meant, other countries maybe, but not Europeans and saying this country is the greatest is VERY VERY VERY arrogant...
Re: Re: What it means to be an American... I meant, other countries maybe, but not Europeans and saying this country is the greatest is VERY VERY VERY arrogant... Have it your way, I thought there were a lot of Europeans on the waiting list. ( I only know of one.) I didn't say "this country is the greatest", I really don't know, as the only travels I have had outside the USA are the Caymans, and Mexico. I will say though, that I have no reason to want to leave, and can't imagine any better opportunities in any other country. The only problems I have had, I created myself. Again I say, If you don't like it, leave it. I would.