What kind of credit card...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by twizzie, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. twizzie

    twizzie New Member

    ...is best for me, or will actually approve me as a card holder? I have no credit cards or revolving credit at this time. In Aug. of 2002 I paid off the credit consolidators, so now I'm looking to re-establish credit. Since 8/2002 the only credit established has been installment, opened 11 months ago. My info:

    Car Loan-still owe 8500., payments on time.
    2- 30 days past due, 0 balance on both.
    1 inquiry 9/2004

    Equifax -635
    1 account into collections, but now paid since 8/2002.
    2- 30 days past due, 0 balance on both.
    no inquiries

    Experian -652
    same as Equifax but w/
    2 inquiries re: auto, which both accepted me.

    I have no derogatory public records.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    How recent are your 30 day lates?
  3. twizzie

    twizzie New Member

    Dec. of 2000. for 3 of 30 days
    Jan. of 2001 for 1 of them.
  4. creditdog

    creditdog Well-Known Member

    Exxon might give you a $200 card with those kind of scores, depending what they pull?

  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    It looks like the main factor affecting your FICO scores is probably your low (or non-existent) available credit compared to your existing debt, resulting from closing revolving accounts when you consolidated. Presumably you used your consolidation to position your debt to pay it off on better terms. If you can start to open, or even re-open, an account or 2 with some credit lines approaching your level of outstanding debt, and not even use it, you will appear more lendable for additional accounts on better terms.
  6. twizzie

    twizzie New Member

    Thank you for the advice.

    What credit cards would be the best for me to apply for, or what type?

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