What kinds of credit cards should I get now???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Deedz, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. Deedz

    Deedz Active Member

    Me and My Girlfriend both have constantly been working on our credit and we are ready to get some unsecured lines. We are both looking to get about 5 or 6 lines each. Between the both of us sending letters to all 3 bureaus we have cleared up some derog stuff and also have gotten a macys card each. I will give my situation and hers. Please let us know what kind of credit cards we should start looking for.

    My situation:

    Experian 580
    Equifax 591
    Transunion 674

    I have an Orchard Bank secured 200 limit that has been open ever since 02/06
    Macys card 200 limit 12/06
    First Premier Bank 300 unsecured 01/07
    Capital One Unsecured 02/07
    2 Deferred Student Loans


    Experian 615
    Equifax 656
    Transunion Not Reporting

    Orchard Bank Secured 200 Limit Opened 10/06
    Macy's 200 limit opened 12/06

    We both have looked into a few cc's but 1. I cannot figure out how to get a providian card...2. Aspire has way too many junk fees and ive already gotten hit hard with First Premier (178 in fees just to start off with!!!!!!) 3. Discover and 5/3 have both denied me.

    Any other suggestions of how to get other lines of credit???

    Thanks in advance!

  2. pa1205

    pa1205 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't apply for anymore new credit for a while you both have very new accounts as you use these accounts and pay in full each month your scores will rise and in about 8-12 months of on time payments and good healthy credit building you should be able to get some of the better cards out there. And remember only use 1/2 of your credit limit at any one time, going over that will hurt your utilization.
  3. Deedz

    Deedz Active Member

    Thank you very much. I will take your advise and chill out!
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    In contrast, since you've already added so many a few more really wouldn't harm you too severely now. I would suggest the following for both of you:

    1) Target,

    2) Walmart,

    3) Chevron,

    4) Bloomingdale's,

    5) Household (which I beleive can be applied for at householdcard.com or look around and you will find the online app),

    6) Marathon,

    and maybe,

    7) Hooters & Union Plus (these will be iffy approvals).

    You will take Experian inquiries from Household and Bloomingdales but, it's likely worth it.

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