What letter to use?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by attempt, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. attempt

    attempt Active Member

    I have previously sent out validation letters to every negative account on my CB. Several items have been removed. However, several have backfired on me and I ended up paying them off, either in full or by settlement. (Asset Acceptance LLC and Greene & Cooper Law Firm to name a few) Neverless, they are now paid, I have seen a great increase on my credit scores. I do have a problem though. The account through Asset Acceptace was a Providian CC. Asset itself was removed from the CB by not being able to validate, they became more agressive at that point and did obtain a signed application from Providian, they turn the account over to Greene & Cooper who filed a lawsuit against me. It was not small claims either. So full court rules would apply. I got scared and backed down and they did a settlement. My problem is the listing on the CB's for Providian shows that it is a charged off account sold to another party. I called Asset Legal Dept and they advised me that it would get corrected quicker if I sent a dispute letter to the CBs myself to have it corrected myself. I also have a few other paid accounts that I wish to do this for as well. Im just not sure what letter to use, or if I have to write my own, what to say. Thanks to all of you for your input!!!
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Unless Providian is reporting a balance, or any of the dates are wrong, it may be accurate. They are allowed to report the history.

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