In July 04 I opened a Sprint cell account. Before the 2 week "trial" period ended I returned the phone and cancelled the plan due to poor reception. I heard nothing for six months when I then got a bill for over $600. I called Sprint and explained the situation. They verified that the phone hadn't been used since the intial 10 days (or so). Six months later it shows up on my credit report where it remains. I have disputed "not mine" and got it removed from equifax and verified from experian. What do I do now? I don't have any documents proving that I cancelled service.
It's reported by "Collection company of" 700 Longwater Dr Norwell, MA Looking back I just noticed it is listed as opened 7/06 with date of status 9/06. So not only was I wrongfully billed but the dates are off by 2 years!
Not uncommon. Dispute the dates opened and dates of last activity/initial delinquency. Request validation from the entity reporting on your credit reports. If they verify the account as accurate after your disputes through the credit reporting agencies, you have a cause of action under 1681s-2b. I'd dispute it twice just to be safe and again, assuming that they verify it, then institute a civil action against them.
Thank you very much. I have started the dispute based on dates and will request the validation. Can you point me in the right direction to read up on "cause of action under "1681a-2b". I would like to educate myself more on this option. thanks again. od
Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681s-2b. This is the only provision under which an individual consumer can institute a civil action against a furnisher of information.
UPDATE: I disputed again with the credit bureau and it was verified again. Sent a request for detailed validation to the collection agency. Received a letter today stating: We have determined that the information on file is accurate. Validation of debt has been requested and will be mailed to you shortly." I can prove that the dates listed are wrong. I have the original contract with Sprint dated 7/04. CA is reporting opening date 7/06. I only kept the phone about 10 days so I don't have anything else. Should I request documents from Sprint? I am going to wait for the validation they are going to send but since they are already saying their info is accurate I know I'm going to have to take this further. Anyone have any more advice on how to proceed. OD