Back in December, The Credit Store bought my old Providian charge-off and TXd the balance to a new VISA. That's fine. However, Providian is still reporting my old account as $955 past due balance. I just got a bill from Providian asking for the $955. Are they allowed to still send me bills AFTER they've already SOLD the debt to another company? I disputed the Providian and it will come off in 3 days for failure to respond so I don't want to rock the boat.
tmitchell, i am going through the same thing with PROVIDIAN and the CREDIT STORE. i started the same thing in july 2001. well come to find out PROVIDIAN has the account as being sold to ASSET ACCEPTANCE, PROVIDIAN has changed their entry on my CR'S to paid charge off $0 balance BUT... THE CREDIT STORE has their entries on my CR's as PAYMENT AFTER CHARGE OFF 120 DAYS LATE! needless to say i disputed everything! resuts aren't due til 2/16 i let you know what happens. but i had to call PROVIDIAN 4 times before they would change their entry to $0 balance. kelly