About 6 weeks ago, I got a letter from a collection agency, for a debt that was not mine. It was for a FirstBank credit card, that I applied for while living in Charlotte, NC. I've never lived in Charlotte, NC. I pulled my credit reports, and found that it was on two of my three reports. I sent a registered letter, via certified mail. They received said letter on March 25, 2005. As I understand it, they have 30 days to respond to me and prove the debt is mine, or else delete it from my credit report. Now that 30 days are up, what do I do know, to get this taken off my credit reports and to get them to drop the claim against me ?
Did you pull your credit report again? That would be the first thing to check to see if it went away. If it didn't go away - dispute as not mine with each of the CRA's that it is reporting on.